Chapter 7= The Day

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I woke up and said " Today is the day I turn Aqua into a human." I got up and changed into a dark blue shirt, black pants, and white sneakers. I went to school and when I came back. I headed to the dock really to ask Aqua some questions.

When I got to the dock I called Aqua's I saw her swim to the dock and jump and sit on the dock. I sat next to her. I asked her " When you transform into a human you will have clothes on? Right." Aqua said " Yah, I turned into a human before but only for 1 day." "
Oh, did you like it on land?" I say. She says " Yah I didn't get to see a lot, but it was a good time." "What were you on land before?" I say. She says that it is a long story,I'm will tell you when we have time together because it was time to go.

I got on a boat and headed to the island. When I got there I see Aqua wasn't with me, so I just thought she when the underwater way there. I started walking and then I hear a hissing sound. I just thought it was a snake. I am not a afraid of snakes because me friend has 4. ( it is true my friend have 4 snakes and I held them ) I kept on walking, but then I heard the hissing noise again. There was no snakes around. Then I got a little scared, so I started running. While I ran I saw a face behind a tree. I went to the tree and I saw MIA. I started screaming at her, WHY ARE YOU HERE? YOU SCARED ME TO DEAF. ARE YOU STALKING ME NOW, DO I NEED A BODY GUARD? She said " I asked your mom if you were home so I can talk to you, but she said that you went to this island, so I took a boat here and saw you come. I hid behind this tree and waited for you." and " I need to talk to you about something..." I look at my watch and I cut Mia off and left. Mia followed me then as I walked I said to Mia " I have to do something so stay right there. I don't want you to come down with me." I slid down the tunnel thing and went up the stairs to the pool and saw Aqua sitting on a rock. I said " Time" she jumped back into the pool and I count down. " 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 " There was bubbles and sparkles ever where. Then Aqua was lifted out of the water and I saw change into a human slowly. Then the bubbles put her down in front of me.

When she was in front of me, Aqua was right she was in clothes. Aqua was wearing a white tank top and an Aqua skirt.

We somehow made it up the tunnel. When we got up there I Mia was waiting for me. She saw Aqua and had a jealous face on. I introduced them to each other. Mia took my hand and begged me to take her back right in front of Aqua.mi looked at Aqua and she looked upset.mi told Mia " Look I had a thing for you. I really liked you but I didn't feel a spark anymore. I just think we should see other people." Now Mia is upset with tears in her eyes. I give her a long hug and guide both girls to the boat.

When we got to the dock I said bye to Mia and gave her a hug and said " I hope we can still be friends. " Mia left and I looked at Aqua and said " Are you ready to go to my house?" Aqua said "yes". We walked home.

When we got home I opened the door for Aqua and went to the kitchen because that is where my mom is. I told my mom at Aqua is foreign student that has no money or clothes and needs a house and I asked her if she could stay here until she had to go to her country. My mom went along with the what I said and I went up stairs with Aqua and showed her room and gave her pjs. I went out of the room so she can change and when I came back in she was all dressed in her pjs and looked cute.

We were in Aqua's room and then I saw here hair she has really long hair so I asked her if she wanted a brush to come her hair. She said yes so I gave her a brush and she started to comb her hair. I just stared at her. She is so beautiful. Then she saw me staring at her and asked if there was something on my face. Then I realized I was staring at her. Then I said " We should go to sleep, Goodnight. " She said goodnight and I tucked her in and went to my bed. I heard Aqua sleeping, like I heard her nose breathe in air that is how quiet it was. I got in my bed and went into a sleep dreaming about Aqua.


Sorry I have not updated in awhile I have been really busy and last chapter was long for me so I wanted to take a little brake. So if you have any comments or questions please comment and if you have a idea for the story comment. Also, if you like this story vote. THANKS FOR ALMOST 100 VIEWS. SO LETS GET TO 100 VIEWS WE ARE ALMOST THERE. WE ARE AT 87 views. THANKS!!!!

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