Chapter 32

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Chapter 32:

In Rouge's Mind:

"Identify yourself."
"I am Marie."
"What is your purpose?"
"That information is unclear at the present time."
"What are you?"
"I am myself."
"What makes you yourself?"
"Everything. My past, my memories, the interactions between myself and others moulds and shapes who I am."
"But what of the others? What of the pasts, memories and relationships that aren't your own? Do they change you?"
"I am not sure."
"If you are not who you used to be, who are you?"
"Who am I?"
"Are you simply another version of yourself?"
"I am not sure."
"Have you become an entirely different person?"
"Or are you a mixture? Not quite yourself but neither are you someone else."
"I do not..."
"Identify yourself."
"I am..."
"Which are your true memories? Which are your relationships? What name do you truely go by?"
"I am not..."
"Who are you?"
"...Who am I? I...I no longer know who I am..."


Back At The School:

Jean let out a sigh of relief as she led Rogue through the entrance of the school, out of the cold and rain and into the blissfully warm building. Rogue was dangerously pale and soaked to the bone but she really didn't seem aware of it; she wasn't even shivering. Jean on the other hand was shaking like a leaf even though she was trying her hardest to control the involuntary muscle spasms. But she couldn't help but worry about rouge.

As the two women moved further into the front hallway, they were soon found by Kitty and Jubilee. While Kitty instantly sank through the floor, no doubt off to find the Professor, Jubilee gave a small gasp and rushed over to them.
"Oh my God Rogue, what happened? Why did you take off like that?" She paused then to wait for a reply. When she didn't get one, she frowned lightly and spoke again. "Rogue?"
"Jubilee, I think Rogue's a little confused at the moment." Jean revealed softly. Jubilee just looked at her with uncomprehending eyes.

"Where is everyone?" She asked, thinking it would probably be best to change the subject.
"Erm, let me see the Professor and Doctor McCoy are down in Cerebro still. Scott, Kurt and Remy are on their way back and Storm's still out picking up Logan." The teenager recalled, closing her eyes to help her remember. Just then, the sound of rushing air and a landing aircraft reached their ears through the barrior of the shut front door.
"Sounds like Storm's back. I hope she managed to find Logan." Jean murmured, looking over at the doors where she knew Logan and Ororo would enter through in a minute.

"Lo-gan..." Rogue echoed slowly, pausing uncertainly between the two syllables.
"Rogue?" Jean said quickly, pouncing at the first sign so far that Rogue at least had some comprehension of what was going on. The wet teenager was staring down at the floor fearfully as if something terrible had just happened. Then, before Jean or Jubilee could even try to get something out of her, the front doors burst open causing the two sane females to look in that direction.
Logan stood in the doorway, soaked and looking extremely angry. "Can I not leave her in this place with you lot for five fucking minutes without something happening to..." He didn't get to finish that sentence before he was hit square in the chest by a violent red beam much the same as Cyclops'. He was sent flying back out the doorway and the thump of his body hitting the ground followed several seconds after he'd disappeared from sight.
"Rogue!" Jubilee gasped, stepping away from the suddenly angry girl who curiously had her eyes clenched shut tightly. "Why the Hell did you do that?"

Rogue turned her head in Jubilee's direction so that, if her eyes had been open she would've been looking at her. "Because I've always wanted to." She answered and although the voice which spoke was hers, the accent definately wasn't.
"Guys! I've brought the Professor." Kitty's voice interrupted suddenly. Jean and Jubilee looked over at the approaching Kitty, Professor and Hank and subsequently missed Rogue's eyes flying open and widening in fear again and the small gasp which broke past her lips.

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