Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

A week passed by without incident. Rogue and Remy continued to see each other everyday after school and spent most of the weekend together. Unfortunately, although nothing happened, the teachers were getting more curious and worried, Logan was getting more cranky and protective and Bobby was so full of jealousy and resentment, he was due to pop at any moment. Unknown to anyone, this was merely the calm before the storm and for Rogue, the beginning of the end of almost everything.

Three days prior, the Professor had announced at dinner that there was a conference in Washington that required his presence. That also meant that most of the teachers were going as well, save for Kurt and Ororo who would stay to look after all the students. That revalation immediately made every studant uneasy. They remembered all too well what had happened the last time the majority of the teachers had gone away. The school had been raided by Striker. Although there was no reason for them to fear another raid, they still did, fearing the teacher's departure as a bad omen.

Moods had once again lightened though when word spread that there was going to be a carnival in town that weekend. Rogue, Kitty and Jubilee had decided at once to go on the Saturday afternoon. Rogue had awkwardly asked Bobby if he wanted to go along with them through guilt over how she knew she was making him feel. He had declined for some unknown reason however, claiming he was already going with some other friends. Rogue had merely nodded and smiled. That really did suit her perfectly.

So now, on that Saturday afternoon, it was just Rogue, Kitty and Jubilee together at the carnival. As they wandered around, they'd occassionaly spot other students and they'd wave and maybe have a short conversation but mostly it was just the three of them. They went on a few rides, had some candy floss, went on some more rides, had a toffee apple each and then went on another few rides. It was when they were heading towards the bumper cars that they made the worst, or best, decision they possibly could have.

"Hey look! A fortune teller!" Jubilee pointed out excitedly.
"Hey look. A crook." Kitty replied causing Rogue to laugh a little. Jubilee ignored Kitty's snide remark and latched onto Rogue's arm.
"C'mon, let's go in." She insisted as she pulled on Rogue.
"Ah dunno Jubes..." Rogue said un-surely.
"It'll be a laugh." Jubilee insisted. "You can check to see if you and Remy are destiny."
"You can't be serious." Kitty scoffed.
"Just because Richard dumped you last week..." Jubilee started to retort.
"You can talk. You're going on about destiny when Craig broke up with you on Thursday after weeks of you insisting it was destiny with you two." Kitty pointed out.
"Well, it obviously wasn't meant to be since it ended and so that just meant I didn't have to be upset." Jubilee shrugged.
"Right, that's why you spent that night crying your eyes out and using my blouse for a tissue." Kitty reminded.

She stopped talking suddenly when she noticed Rogue no longer next to her. Looking around, she saw her heading towards the fortune teller's tent. "Rogue?" She called after her.
"Ah'm only goin' in to get awahy from you two." Rogue called back before disappearing into the tent.

Inside, Rogue found a middle-aged woman sitting behind a small, round table, a second chair just in front of Rogue. The table was covered with a purple satin sheet and a crystal ball rested in the centre. Further observation of the woman showed that she certainly looked the part as she was dressed like a gypsy; flowing material and sequins. The dark sunglasses which she wore kind of ruined the whole atmosphere though.

"Welcome Rogue. It's nice to finally meet you in reality." The woman said softly. Rogue frowned and went straight into defensive mode.
"Hah do ya know mah name?" She demanded suspiciously.
"The same way I know your real name is Marie D'Ancato, you're seventeen years old and have lived at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters since Magneto almost killed you after your mother forced you to leave your home when she discovered about  your mutation powers." The woman told her, a mysterious smile coming to her lips as she finished.

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