Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

The pain is indescribable. The best Ah can do is compare it to a feeling lahke your head is gonna explode unless you relieve some of the pressure. All common sense goes rahght aht the window and you resort to animal instincts. Clawing, grabbing, tryin' to get at whatever it is that's causing the pain to make it go away. But the pain's insahde mah head where Ah can't get at it. All Ah can do is wait for the release and hope that it will come eventually.

The silence of an empty alleyway near the cafe was suddenly broken by the "bamphf" of Rogue reappearing. With her hands still holding her head in pain, she staggered against the rough brick wall at her side for support. She remained leaning against it for a while, quiet tears streaming down her cheeks, her mind silent. Eventually, the pains in her head began to fade and her tears calmed until they were both gone.

"Remy?" Rogue's mind whispered weakly.
"Remy still here chere." His voice replied softly.
"What happened to me?" She asked as she lowered her hands from her head and hugged herself.
"Yo' needed to ge' away, so Remy brought down dhe barriors dhat keep dhe ot'ers comin' t'rough so yo' could use dheir borrowed powers." He explained, a strange soothing sensation sweeping through her as he spoke. "Dhe chargin' of dhe beads so dhey exploded was anot'er one of Remy's powers."
"Ah teleported." Rogue murmured. "Hah is that possible? It's been hours since Ah last touched Kurt and even longer since Ah last touched you. Whah do Ah still have both your powers?"
"Yo' keep all dhe powers from dhe ones yo' absorb jus' as yo' keep dheir memories. Dhey're harder to draw out dhough and get pushed back into the subconcious very quickly." Remy told her as her vision cleared and she was once again able to get her bearings.
"Good, then Ah can use Logan's healing powers so that not so much of me hurts." Rogue muttered.
"Remy don' t'ink dhat be a good idea chere." He warned her. "You don' have enough control yet."
"Look, who is whose head?" She snapped back at him. "Now are ya gonna help me or do Ah have to do it on mah own?"
"Okay. Remy will help yo', but jus' remember dhat he warned yo'."
"Fahne. Whatever." She replied irritably. She heard Remy give a sigh and then nothing. Then everything was pain. Her entire world suddenly became white hot pain. She fell to her knees with an agonising scream and clutched her head which, by pure instinct, she knew was where the pain was coming from. "Remy! Make it stop!" She screamed silently as she just screamed outside. In a flash, the pain was gone. "What...What the Hell was that?" Rogue gasped as she shakily got back to her feet
"Dhat was wha' Remy was tryin' to warn yo' 'bout chere. Unless dhe person be near dhe front, it takes more effor' and control to ge' dhem to come forward. Dhe more effor' and control dhat needs to be put in, dhe more it hurts." He explained gently. "Dhe Wolverine be pretty far back in your mind chere and even wit' yo' wanting to bring him forward, it's gon' take a lot of effort and even more control to safely brin' him forward enough to use his abilities. But, wit' practice, you can learn dhe control and brin' dhem forward wit'out hurtin' yourself and dhen use dhem at your will."
"If it's gonna hurt that bad, Ah'm not sure Ah wanna bother." Rogue groaned, her head still resting in her hand. "Anyway, Ah don't wanna think abaht it nah. All Ah want is to lay down somewhere warm and soft and sleep for the next six months. But don't think this is getting ya off the hook Remy LeBeau! The moment Ah'm feeling better, Ah want answers abaht what just happened and Ah mean everything, not just the stuff abaht me."
Rogue reached the end of the alley and glanced to her sides to make sure everything was safe. Satisfied that she wouldn't be jumped or anything, she stepped out of the shadows of the alley and began to make her way back to the school on uncertain legs.
At The School:
The afternoon lessons at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters were cancelled and the majority of the students were sent out to search for Rogue. The Professor was still in Cerebro and the only contact he'd made was to instruct the teachers to send out search parties to all of Rogue's known favourite places. Logan, impatient as ever, had gone back out to scour the neighbourhood for any sign of her. After hours of having no luck, he gave up and went back to the school, only to find all the teachers, now also joined by Kurt and Hank, were still waiting outside of Cerebro.

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