Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

While deep in his conversation on his mobile phone, Remy had continued his unconscious journey to the kitchen and that was where he was found by Rogue several minutes after they had parted from each other. His back was to her as she entered the kitchen and his phone was no longer pressed to his ear. He just stood completely still with his hands in his coat pockets, staring neutraly through the conservatory and out into the garden.
"Hey." Rogue greeted him gently as she moved closer to him.
"Hey." He returned, turning his upper body to look at her. "How'd t'ings go?" He inquired, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as she reached his side.

"Not good. he's leavin' again." She revealed, looking straight ahead to the garden just as Remy had been doing moments before.
"Oh." Was the only reply as Remy followed her gaze.
"Who was on the phone?" She asked, not bothering to look at him as she rested her head against the side of his chest.
"...My brodher..."
"Woah, must be serious; ya spoke in first person." Rogue joked weakly earning an equally weak smile from Remy. "What's wrong? Is it ya father again?"
"Dunno. He wouldn' give me a straigh' answer. Jus' insisted I need to go back to Louisianna."
"Ah see...So, when are ya goin'?"
"I'm not."
"What?" Rogue gasped, finally moving to look up at him.

"I'm not gon' go." He repeated, still not looking at her.
"But hah? Hah can ya not go?"
"It's pretty easy chere; Remy jus' stay here."
"That ain't what Ah meant and you know it." Rogue chided. "Hah can ya just turn ya back on ya family when they ask for ya help?"
"Dhey're no' my family. Dhey're a group of strangers who clot'ed and fed me for a price, not jus' ou' of dhe goodness of dheir hearts. Yo' wanna know who my family is?" He asked, finally looking down at Rogue. "You are. You're dhe only family I'll ever want. As far as I'm concerned, no one else in dhis world matters except yo' Marie. Yo're dhe only one I care about' more dhan myself and yo' know dhat's sayin' somet'in'."

Rogue gave a small smile at his confession and the small joke he'd managed to sneak in at the end. Keeping her eyes locked with his, she slowly slid the ever-useful scarf from around her neck. She drapped it over her face and within mere seconds, Remy's lips had decended on hers. After a few of Remy having his fun with slow, teasing kisses and nips, he lifted Rogue off of her feet, holding her hips tightly, and sat her on one of the counter tops so that she was a head higher than he was. Experiance with her had taught him that she was more comfortable when she had the most control of the situation.

As he expected, she took advantage of the altered position istantly, bringing her hands up to the sides of Remy's face to tilt his head back for better leverage. The kiss deepened, their tongues met and tangled with each other and the scarf.
They were completely swept away with each other, caught totally in the moment. It was only the sound of a near-by door closing which brought Rogue back to reality and she remembered exactly where they were. She wasn't overly enthustiastic about the idea of someone walking in on them. So, albeite slightly reluctantly, she pulled away from their kiss, letting her gloved hands fall to rest on Remy's shoulders.

They were both panting ever so slightly as she pulled the scarf away and rested her forehead against Remy's. Both had their eyes shut lightly and neither spoke for a while as they caughts their breathes.
Eventually, Rogue opened her eyes a crack to look down at Remy and spoke softly: "Ya have to go."
"Tryin' to ge' rid o' me?" Remy murmured back huskily, his tone showing no signs of humour but the slightly smile he wore confirming that the question wasn't too serious.
"Course naht, Ah'd rather keep ya here all to mahself." She assured through a small laugh. Remy gave a small chuckle as well before silence resumed. Rogue studied Remy's face for a second or so before sighing quietly, the smile slipping from her face. "Ya only gonna regret it if ya don't go, ya know ya will."

Remy opened his eyes once more and looked directly into Rogue's eyes. They stayed that way for ages, just studying each other, their foreheads still resting against each other. Finally, Remy took his turn to sign. He tightened his arms around Rogue's waist and pulled her closer so her arms had to come around his neck. Rogue manouvered her head so that her hair fell into a suitable place to protect the bare skin of Remy's neck from her face as he brought her head to rest on his shoulder, his hand remaining lightly on the back of it.
"Gon' leave firs' t'ing tomorrow dhen." He murmured sadly, his head leaning to rest on hers slightly.
"Kay." Rogue whispered the acknowledgement; her hands lightly gripping the fabric of his shirt. She already missed him and he hadn't even left her arms yet.

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