Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

Back With Rouge & Remy:

Rogue and Remy walked down a crowded street in the French Quarter of Louisiana as dusk began to set in around them. They had arrived hours ago and it was only then that Remy decided he wanted to wait until it got completely dark. Rogue hadn't been too happy with that decision but did go along with it, only after she had yelled at him for a while though. The afternoon had been spent doing a combination of walking, sitting, drinking coffee and eating cakes and pastries. Rogue had actually really enjoyed herself, despite not only the fact she was only wearing a night dress under her coat but also was probably causing a lot of worry back at the school.

She even forgot about the school at one point. She had been so relaxed and at peace. Now that the sun was setting though, Rogue was starting to get very anxious about everything.
"Hah much longer?" She asked Remy quietly as they continued on down the street.
"'Bout anot'er hour or so. Bes' to wai' 'til it's completely dark." He answered, repeating his earlier words. Rogue nodded mutely and involuntry shivered from the cold.

"Feelin' dhe chill chere?" He inquired gently seeing the small muscle spasm.
"Well Ah am only wearin' a naht dress." She reminded him with a playful grin.
"And dhat's somehow Remy's fault?" He questioned, picking up on the fact Rogue's tone had implied it was his fault.
"Well, if ya could go to the trouble of fahndin' mah comfortable shoes and remembering to grab me some socks, Ah don't see whah ya couldn't have grabbed me some proper clothes." She replied indignantly though her whole manner was still playful.
"Remy got you some gloves dhough." He pointed out to her.
"No ya didn't! The gloves were in mah coat pocket! Besahdes, Ah mean real clothes. Pants, a sweat shirt, even just a t-shirt would've been useful." She told him.
"Remy guess it is his fault dhen." He sighed, feigning disappointment. "He insist you le' him make it up to you." He continued on, a grin forming on his face.
"And just hah are ya plannin' on making it up to me Swamp Rat?" She inquired suspiciously. Remy's grin widened and he leaned down closer to her and whispered in her ear softly.
"Well, Remy could star' by helpin' you warm up cherie."

With that, he straightened up and drapped his arm around her shoulders.
Straight away, Rogue's breath caught in her throat which caused a small squeak of surprise to escape. She really hadn't expected him to do that, or even anything like that. She thought they had just been playing a game which would ultimately result in them bursting into fits of laughter. Instead, he had his arm around her and was close. Really close. She suddenly felt really self-conscious, like Remy having his arm around her was some major social taboo.

After all, she was Rogue, the un-touchable mutant. Too afraid to let anyone even get near her in case she hurt them...Yet there she was. With Remy. Not scared, just feeling the same anxiousness as any teenage girl would if under the arm of the guy she liked. She had no real need to be so cautious. She could let herself go...that in mind, Rogue allowed herself to lean into Remy. She even felt daring enough to bring her arm up to encircle his waist.
"Better?" Remy murmured to her softly, feeling her arm come around him.
"Much." Rogue murmured back, her eyes drifting shut in contentment. She didn't need to look where she was going. She knew Remy wouldn't let anything happen to her.

Back At The School:

Logan stood outside of Cerebro with a very limited amount of patience. He was leaned up against the wall with his arms folded over his chest. If in close proximity to him, you'd be able to make out a constant growl being emitted from him. In the mood he was in though, getting that close probably wasn't the smartest of ideas. It had been several minutes since he had taken up said position outside Cerebro and it was another several minutes before the doors opened. Logan was instantly up straight and heading towards the entrance. The Professor came out and met him half way.

A Romy story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora