Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Back With Logan:

Shit! I fucked up big time! knew I shouldn't have left her on her own! I should've stayed with her. Now she's locked in the school with some fucking maniac with no way to escape! I thought she'd be safe. I checked the fire alarms, I triple checked security. I thought she'd be safe, I really did! There was nothin' else I could've done...
And that's what's so God damn pathetic.....

Back With Rouge:

The dull thuds of metal objects lodging into wood was all that could be heard for several, horribly quiet moments. When the final piece of cutlery hit the door, everything was again still and silent. Rogue took notice of what was in front of her for the first time and saw that there was no one standing anywhere behind her or even laying or cowering or injured or hell even dead on the floor. She let out a huge, shuddered sigh and leaned against the counter next to her to support her suddenly shakey legs. She tiredly held her face in her hand and lowered her head, her eyes closing. It was all in her imagination.

Things had been stressful for her lately and it was making her imagination work over time. There was no one watching her or making noises. It was, like so many things, just in her head. The noises were just the house, the being watched was her imagination and her sandwich...Well, she couldn't explain that so she just decided to ignore it.

After giving another sigh, Rogue straightened up and turned around, intending to get more bread. However, upon turning, she collided with someone else. She screamed in surprise and backed away quickly, stumbling a little in her haste. It didn't take her long to realise that it was actually the form of Remy which she had bumped into.

"Jesus Swamp rat! What ya tryin' to do! Give me a heart attack or just make me think Ah'm losing mah mind!" She gasped out irritably, pressing her hand against her pounding heart.
"Sorry, but Remy couldn' resist dhe temptation of teasi' his chere." He grinned playfully at her. Rogue glared at him and noticed something in his right hand.
"Whah'd you steal mah sandwich!" She yelled, her now half eaten sandwich being the object in Remy's grasp.
"Remy hungry. He missed lunch." He replied with a shrug.
"Ya could've just asked me to make ya your own insteada stealin' mahne." She grumbled while nudging past him to finally get more bread. "What are ya doin' here anyway?" She asked as she moved back over to the jars, bread in hand.
"Remy came to keep you company cherie." He answered as he lifted himself up to sit on top of the counter beside Rogue.
"How'd ya get past the security system?" She continued to question, though her tone was now less hostile and more calm.
"Wasn' too hard. Dhere some blind spots on dhe east side of dhe garden so it was easy enough to ge' in dhe grounds. As for gettin' in dhe building, Remy climbed up to an open window." He explained before taking a bite of the sandwich. Rogue considered what he said and guessed the open window was probably the one in Jubilee's and Kitty's room. She grinned at the thought of the lecture they'd get if the teachers found out. "Expected a higher standard of security from a place like dhis." Remy continued after swallowing a bite of sandwich. She merely shrugged in reply.

Rogue looked up from her sandwich and glanced around herself for a moment before appearing to remember something. She peered over her shoulder and saw all the cutlery still lodged into the door and the surrounding wall. A faint, embarassed blush tinged her cheeks while she lifted her right hand and stretched it out in front of herself. She went to draw it back to her body but found she couldn't. Her blush faded and she frowned slightly in annoyance and determination before sharply yanking her arm back. As she did so, the cutlery dislodged from the door and wall and jolted forward harshly before pausing for a second and then smoothly floating over into the, still, open drawer.

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