Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:

Dawn seemed to come very quickly for Rogue. One moment, she was peacefully resting, actually finding Jubilee's snoring comforting. The next, there was a huge explosion near by which dragged her out of her pleasant state of mind before stamping all over it. Both her and Jubilee woke at the sound, Jubilee sitting up quickly only to bump her head on the bed above her.

"What the Hell is going on?" Jubilee yelled as she rubbed her bumped head, angry at being woken so rudely from her sleep.
Rogue chose to ignore her friend as she had just as much information. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, quickly finding that she'd have to hold onto things to steady herself what with the combination of rough driving and the un-steadiness of her wobbly legs.

Despite these inconviniances though, she made her way through the motorhome, up to the front. There, she found Kitty driving and only the bottom half of Remy's body visible as the top half was hanging out of the window on the passenger side.
"What's happenin'?" Rogue asked calmly, coming to stand just behind Kitty just as Jubilee came out to join them as well.

"We can't be sure but we think, WE THINK, the army knows it's us." Kitty grunted, adding bitter humour to the situation as always.
"Why are they still after us if the Professor's spoken out about it?" Jubilee demanded seconds before another explosion resounded around them.
"'Cause they can? I don't know! Why're you asking me?" Kitty snapped irritably, swirving to avoid the blast area of the explosion just ahead of them.

"Those ain'tahr explosions?" Rogue gasped in horror, grabbing hold of the back of Kitty's chair as the un-stable environment made her un-steady legs give way beneath her partly.
"No, they're not." Kitty confirmed, noticably glancing at the side mirror to see what was going on behind them. Another explosion, this one behind them came. "That one was ours."
As if suddenly remembering he was there, Rogue turned her attention to Remy.

She reached over him to grab the small hoop of material on the mid-back of his trench coat and pulled him back inside fully. Once in, he turned to face her looking irritated before he realised it was her and then his irritation melted away to his usual confident and overly cocky grin.
"Mornin' mon cherie. Yo' lookin' particul'y lovely." He complimented.
"Whah thank ya very much." Rogue grinned back, moving slightly to allow him space to get to his feet. "Nah get aht the way and let someone else have some fun." She ordered playfully, squeezing past him to kneel on the passenger seat.

As she passed him, Remy playfully pinched Rogue's bottom causing her to jump a little and throw him a mock indignant glare.
"Will you two focus please?" Kitty muttered, glancing for a second at the pair.
Rogue poked her tongue out at the Remy before moving her head out through the open window. Her hair was instantly blown in her face as she turned to look at what exactly they were running away from.

Her jaw dropped in a combination of horror and surprise at what she saw. Not only were there trucks like before, but now they were also being chased by tanks. Tanks! Actual, missile shooting tanks! Had they given up on arresting them and were now just content with blowing them up? Did they really think they were that much of a threat?

Adjusting her position slightly, Rogue brought her arm out of the window as well. She stretched her hand towards the closest tank to them and began to concentrate on it as hard as she could. When she felt she had a hold on it, she began to try and clench her hand into a fist. Her face contorted slightly in the effort but the groan of strained metal soon proved to all that the effort wasn't going to waste.
"Don' over do it chere." Remy's yell only just came over the sound of the wind rushing past Rogue's ears. She would've done something to reassure him but she was just seeing the results of her hard work; the cannon on the tank she was focused on was visibly bending.

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