Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

Awareness hit Rogue like a sledgehammer. One moment she was in a magical land of her, Remy and touchable skin. The next, she was laying on the carpet in her room in a school filled with terrified screaming and someone furiously banging on her bedroom door. She pushed herself up onto her arms and blinked her heavy eyes into focus, her hand coming up to rub her aching forehead. Although all she could hear was screaming and running footsteps, it never really computed that something not right was happening until her door burst open with the sound of splintering wood.

Rogue's head snapped up to see her door had been kicked in by two men in black army uniforms, armed with fairly big guns. Acting on her first instinct to run away, she scrambled to her feet and went to dodge past the two men. Unsurprisingly one grabbed her as she tried to run past and pinned her up against one of the bedroom walls. She hit the wall with an annoyed grunt and turned her head to the side so she could look over her shoulder at the man who held her.

"What the Hell is goin' on?" Rogue demanded as she began to try and free herself.
"Under the new Mutant Terror Laws, you are under arrest." The man informed her.
"Ah'm what?" Rogue gasped. Seconds later, she felt something being clipped aorund her neck. Having a bad feeling about where this was going, she teleported out of the soldier or policeman's hold and re-entered on the other side of the room.

The two men seemed really shocked by this and instantly raised their guns. Rogue simply raised her arm and forced the guns out of their hands with her borrowed magnetism and sent them flying over to the other side of the room. Then, she ran over to the one closest to her and, intent on finding out what was going on, pressed her bare hand to one of the solders face's.

But nothing! No pull, no memories, no sudden burst of energy. She was touching him skin-on-skin and nothing was happening. At any other time, Rogue would've jumped for joy, but at that moment, her body froze from fear and her eyes widened in terrified dread. Once again acting on the instinct to run, Rogue once again teleported, only this time, it was far away from her bedroom.

In fact, it was the middle of the kitchen she re-appeared in and her jaw instantly dropped at what she saw. The whole room was in disaray. The glass doors that led to the conservatory had been smashed in and looking past them she could see the conservatory was a mess as well. Huge spires of ice were dotted around and the floor was littered with shards of broken plates.

Rogue could only stand there dumbly as her brain tried to catch up and make some sort of sense of these sudden events.
"Maybe standin' in dhe open isn' dhe bes' t'ing to do righ' now chere." Head Remy's voice suddenly came.
"Oh yeah, raht." Rogue agreed silently before teleporting back upstairs to an empty corridor.

There were no sounds or signs to suggest anyone was dangerously close in her new surroundings so Rogue decided to continue on foot as her head was starting to ache in an all too familiar way. After a brief glance to her left, she quickly took off in a run to her right, but had taken no more than a few strides when she bashed into someone.

The once silent corridor was suddenly filled with screams as Rogue and the one she bashed into flinched away fearfully and got ready to fight. It was only when they both opened their eyes that they realised who the other was. Rogue opened her eyes to see a very happy, pyjamas wearing Jubilee in front of her.

"Rogue!" Jubilee cried joyfully as she threw herself into the other girl's arms.
"Are ya okay?" Rogue demanded urgently, hugging her friend back tightly in relief.
"Yeah, I'm fine. You?"
"Fahne as well. Where's Kitty?"
"I'm here." Kitty's voice grunted moments before she trudged around a corner, irritably pulling on a metal band around her neck. "I see they got you as well." She noted upon spotting the same band around Rogue's neck. As Jubilee moved away, Rogue saw that she had one around her neck as well.

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