Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

The next six days were hectic for everyone at Xavier's School for Gifted Younsters; so many things were hapening all at once....most to do with the students.

First, there was the battle to keep Rogue, Kitty, Jubilee and, at Rogue insistence Remy out of prison. Rogue and Kitty had been fairly easy as it was obvious that they both needed mutant specialised medical treatment. Jubilee had been a little harder but in the end they had used her age as a reason. Remy, however, had been almost impossible. Not only was there no real reason to not send him to jail until he was proven innocent, most of the teachers, Logan especially, really wanted him away from Rogue.

Rogue, Kitty and Jubilee kept insisting though and eventually the Professor conceeded. None of them were completely sure how he'd managed to save Remy, but he did do it and that was enough for the three girls.
Once that was sorted out, there came the task of clearing Rogue and Remy from their charges. It actually proved to be amazingly easy.

Rogue managed to get in contact with Evelyn who was all too happy to confirm their innocence, giving the time which Rogue and Remy had left the funeral, proving that there was no way they could've been back in time to rob the jewelry store when they were supposed to. Also, the police had found patches of blood from two different people on some of the glass cases which had been smashed in. Both Rogue and Remy consented to blood tests and, obviously, the results showed that neither of the blood samples matched with their blood samples.

However, despite being cleared of the robbery, there was still the issue of the numourours laws which the four had broken whilst on the run: resisting arrest, dangerous driving, damaging government property, grand theft auto, driving without a licence and ABH were but a few of the charges being pressed against them. That had almost totally screwed them up. But when the treatment the four of them had suffered started to get out to the press there was a public out-cry, especially with the news that Rogue had actually been shot.

Plus, with the revelation of the tanks and explosives which were used, which had not been ordered by the government and were the result of corruption in the army, protestors began to flood the streets demanding justice. Eventually, the Courts had no choice but to drop all charges by way of conpensation to the four young mutants.

All done? Of course not. Once all the legal drama had been put to rest, the emotional and relationship drama came right up to take it's turn. Without the prospect of the three girls being sent to jail, the teachers and Logan were free to gang up on Remy and start demanding answers. Even after Rogue had explained everything, leaving out the secret parts of course, it took a lot to convince the adults that Remy wasn't a threat to her but she however didn't manage to convince Logan at all.

After that came Rogue's explanation as to how she managed to heal her gun-shot wound. It was obvious that the injury would be brought up but that didn't mean Rogue had bothered to think up a reason or explanation for it. When confronted about how she'd healed so quickly, she'd mumbled out the lamest and vaguest of all comments:
"Ah keep the powers of the mutants Ah absorb."
Thankfully, because Rogue wasn't a doctor and mutants not understanding their own abilities wasn't exactly uncommon, she wasn't pressed for much more information which could've led to a slip of the tongue on her part.

The Professor and the teachers still didn't know about the headaches, the loss of control and the voices and while they continued to not know, Rogue could happily pretend that they'd never know.

By the time all of that was sorted out, they were well on their way back to the school, aka home. During the journey, after a non-threatening interview, the Professor had not only asked Remy to stay at the school but also to join the X-Men. The sudden extreme acceptance surprised everyone, most of all Remy. How ever, he didn't let his shock stop him and wasted no time in accepting the offer. He was just glad for the oppotunity to stay as close to Rogue as possible.

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