Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Oh mah Gahd! Logan's back! Whah is Logan back? They ain't meant to be back for another three hours at least! And Ah'm lahke this with Remy! This is so bad in so many ways. What do we do? WHAT DO WE DO! Okay, calm down. There ain't no reason to get all freaked and aggitated. Just think straight. Calm down, think straight and act the moment you decide something...
Though you maht wanna hurry up. Just a suggestion.

Both reacted immediately. Remy rolled off of Rogue and began to gather the scattered cards while Rogue used magnetism on to door handles to drag the doors to the sitting room shut, not only hiding them from view but also acting as an extra obsticle to slow down the teachers and Logan. Once Remy decided that picking up the cards was too fiddley, he simply began to charge them enough so they exploded but didn't give off too loud a bang or do too much damage. They scorched the carpet but that was about it. Once all the cards had been dealt with, Rogue took hold of Remy's hand and pulled him to his feet before teleporting them away seconds before the doors flew open...

Back With Logan:

Logan burst into the sitting room just in time to see the wisps of black smoke start to fade away. Scott and Jean soon joined him but hung back by the doorway.
"A teleporter." Jean sighed as though it should've been obvious the whole time.
"And a pyro." Scott added, noticing the patches of scorched carpet.
Logan smelt the air. Sulphur, burnt nylon, smoke and a scent that was definately human but wasn't familiar. In other words, it didn't belong to anyone at the school. Too caught up in memorising the stranger's scent so that he could hunt him down and rip him to shreds, he failed to notice that Rogue's scent also lingered heavily in the atmosphere.
A sudden bamphf out in the front hall caught Logan's attention and he ran from the room, roughly barging past Scott and Jean. Upon reaching the hallway, he looked up just in time to see the tail end of a brown tench coat fly around a corner...

Back With Rouge & Remy:

Remy and Rogue reappeared at the top of the stairs, over looking the front hallway. Rogue quickly pulled Remy into motion and they took off down the corridor which would eventually lead them to her bedroom. As they ran down the various corridors, Rogue's eyebrows knitted together in concentration. She focused on the metal rings of her shower curtain and moved them along the metal bar across the top of her shower, effectively pulling the plastic sheet across the gap. She then switched her attention onto the shower faucet.
"Where are we goin'?" Remy whispered to her urgently, making her lose her focus.
"Hush! Ah'm workin' on gettin' you out okay?" She hissed before going back to her previous task. She managed to turn the faucet enough to turn the shower on but it was hard to do, being so far away from it and only a little bit of it being made from metal. The all too familiar ache in her head started, which was going to make it even harder to concentrate. None the less, she gritted her teeth and she and Remy once again vanished in a cloud of black smoke...

Back With Logan:

Logan wasted no time before charging forward again and acending the stairs as quickly as possible. When he reached the top, he took off down the same corridor Rogue and Remy had taken moments ago. He ran down one corridor after another, his anger dulling everything but the scent of the stranger. Turning one more corner, he saw the wispy black smoke again and froze in panic. The intruder had teleported away right in front of Rogue's bedroom
'MARIE!' He thought...

Back With Remy & Rouge:

They appeared out on the street, just outside the school walls.
"Go!" Rogue ordered harshly. Then, without another word, she vanished again. She popped back up inside her bathroom which was repidly getting very steamy due to the hot shower which had been running for a minute or so now. Rogue took all of half a second to consider what she was wearing and upon deciding she was wearing nothing that she was overly fond of, she teleported into the shower, fully dressed.

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