Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

At the mall

Bein' a memory in someone's mind isn' exactly a grea' experience, bu' it could be worse. Marie be a sweet femme and good company. She laughs at Remy's jokes and teases back when he teases her. But it's underneat' dat counts. Underneat' she a scared girl who jus' needs someone to lis'en to her, who jus' needs to be aroun' someone who not gon' flinch whenever she ge' close to dhem. Maybe Remy can' give her everyt'ing she needs righ' now, but he gon' try his hardes' to help her out. Remy may only be a voice in her head, but he be the sweetest voice in her life.

"Ah don't know." Rogue sighed silently as she stepped out of the dressing room in a fancy boutique and observed herself in a full length mirror on the wall in front of her. "It shows a bit too much skin don't ya think?"
"Bu' it does lookreally good on you chere." Remy pointed out.
Rogue sighed again and continued to look herself over. She'd been out now for about three hours now, having only the voice of Remy for company. She couldn't deny that it'd been fun though. They'd learnt a lot about each other. She found out that Remy was a thief mostly because it was a family thing even though he was adopted. She found out a lot of little things and some bigger things as well. And Remy was actually really good company even if he was a little pushy at times. She probably wouldn't have even bought anything if it wasn't for his insistence. He convinced her to buy a new set of sketching pencils, telling her that keeping occupied was a good way to keep her mind off of the voices. He also got her to buy a pretty, dark magenta chiffon scarf saying it would come in handy when she met the right person. Rogue had immediately dismissed that idea as ridiculous but bought the scarf anyway, mostly just to shut Remy up about it. Now, she was modelling a very nice, though very showy dress.
"And look at that price tag Remy! Ah'd never be able to afford this no matter hah hard Ah saved." She continued to protest as she held the small price tag between her fingers.
"Well, jus' ask dhis Logan guy for a loan. He'd give i' to yo', Remy can tell." He told her and immediately regretted it as Rogue's mood plummeted. The last thing she wanted that moment was to think of Logan and she definitely didn't want to chase him up for money. She could live with the fact she was no longer a priority for him but she wasn't going to chase after him and ask for money like a lost puppy.
"No." Rogue said simply, slipping back into the changing room and beginning to change. Silence from both.
"Marie?" Remy said after a moment. She didn't reply. "Remy touched a nerve dhere didn' he?"
"Whah do you always refer to yahself in third person?" Rogue muttered, trying to divert him from the topic.
"You don' wan' talk 'bout i' chere?" He asked.
"Wow, ya're sharp." She grunted in reply as she pulled her jumper back on.
"Why no'?" Remy continued to pry.
"Look, you wanna know about Logan so bad? Just look around mah head! Nothing stoppin' ya." She snapped at him, finally dressed.
"Dhe fact yo' upset chere is stoppin' Remy." He answered seriously as Rogue practically shoved the dress into an assistants hands. "Remy gon' respec' your privacy if dhat's what his chere wants."
Roguehadjust got outside ofthe boutique she had been in when Remy said that. She sighed sadly and her shoulders sagged. Why was she being like this? Remy was trying to be nice and help her and she just kept shooting him down. She had to try and perk up a bit. They were stuck together and it wasn't necessarily a bad thing, she just had to be a bit more open and a little less uptight. She still stood outside the boutique and Remy hadn't spoken again. She was surprised to find she actually missed the constant droning of his voice.
"Don't suppose ya know a place where Ah can get decent cup of coffee do ya?" Rogue inquired tiredly as a way to make peace. She knew of places herself but that wasn't the point. It was an ice breaker and starting a conversation herself was kinda like a weird way to say sorry.
"O' course. Remy know dhis city like dhe back o' his hand. Did he ever tell yo' 'bout dhe time..." And with that, the ice was officially broken. Remy began chattering away again and Rogue didn't deny it. She preferred Remy making noise rather than being silent.

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