The whole school was very welcoming, even the teachers once they were positive he didn't have some alteria motive other than to stay close to Rogue. And by saying "the whole school", that obviously doesn't include Bobby, who was still hung up on Rogue, and Logan. It was painfully obvious from the start that Logan wasn;t going to like or approve he'll he wasn't even trying to tollerate Remy. He was hardly a people person at the best of times and that combined with his "Rogue complex", him liking Remy to any degree couldn't really be expected.

So, it was for this reason that we arrive at our currant situation; Rogue and Remy hiding in Kitty and Jubilee's room. It was the only place that they could think of where they wouldn't be checked on every five seconds to make sure they were "behaving" themselves as had been the situation on the first day back. Like they would do anything "naughty" what with Rogue's skin and all.

"What exactly are you planning to do when classes start again?" Kitty inquired from where she sat on the edge of her bed. She was in front of a full length mirror, dressed in a flannel mint green dressing gown with her one side of her hair wet, the other dry and perfectly straight, a straightening iron in hand.
"Ah'm trahin' not to think abaht it until the very last second possible." Rogue answered, her head resting on Remy's knee from where she sat on the floor beside the chair he sat on.

Her eyes were shut tiredly despite the comforting feel of Remy's fingers softly fingering a few strands of her hair.
"The school's not gonna stay broken for much longer you know." Jubilee pointed out.
"Ah'm aware of that." Rogue muttered.
"Maybe you should start the "coming out" progress right now." Kitty suggested, turning around and looking at her three friends as she flipped the switch on the straightening irons off.
"Ya said ya didn't mahnd us bein' in here!" Rogue protested, her eyes flashing open and her head shooting up.
"I don't mind but you two can't keep putting off facing the rest of the school forever. You need to show them all that Remy's here to stay. Plus, I need to get dressed, so out." Kitty ordered, making a shooing motion with her hands.
Remy and Rogue reluctantly rose to their feet and trudged towards the door.

Jubilee also got to her feet and began to follow them out. When Rogue noticed this, she stopped, also stopping Remy and Jubilee.
"Erm, Jubes? This is your room too, Ah don't think ya meant to leave as well." She pointed out.
"Oh, yeah..." Jubilee mumbled, glancing at Kitty out of the corner of her eye and blushing slightly. "I, erm, just thought you could use a bit of privacy."
"Since when has privacy meant anything to you?" Kitty asked incredulously. "I've lost count of the amount of times you've walked in on me changing."
"Yeah, but, things are different now." Jubilee reminded, sounding awkward.
"Why?" Kitty inquired.
"Well, because I know how you feel about me now." Jubilee mumbled, putting emphasis on the word "feel".
"...Huh?" Kitty frowned, now completely confused.
"Because now I know you're in love with me." Jubilee said quickly, her tone frustrated.

Silence filled the room and it was hard to tell who looked the most shocked out of the other three in the room. No one spoke or moved and if a pin had dropped on the other side of the school, they probably would've heard it.
Eventually, Remy broke the silence: "Yo' know wha', Kitty got a point. We really shouldn' hide in here a second longer, righ' chere?"
"Raht. We'll see ya both later." Rogue quickly bid farewell before she and Remy bolted out of the room, slamming the door after them.


Back With Kitty & Jubilee:

The silence once again took over as Kitty just continued to stare at Jubilee, who shifted uncomfortably under the gaze. Finally, Kitty broke the intense stare by covering her face with her hands. She let out a small groan and rubbed her eyes for a moment before speaking: "Where, the Hell, did you get the idea that I'm in love with you from?" She demanded, her voice coming out a little muffled from behind her hands.

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