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Ok, so here's a little something I've started.  Wondered if it was something people would be interested in reading. So in the interests of the story Seb is single and has no kids. He is best friends with Lewis Hamilton, Daniel Ricciardo and Nico Hulkenberg.  Covid-19 doesn't exist. Neither does Nikita Mazespin. Any 2021 race results will be fictional. Please, please, please let me know what you think. Thank you all for reading my stuff so far.

July 2020

Daniel Ricciardo had been half asleep when he'd received the phone call. He'd cursed loudly, grabbing the phone off of his nightstand. Lewis fucking Hamilton. What the fuck did he want at nearly bloody midnight on a Wednesday? It was Media day tomorrow and at this rate he'd need matchsticks to keep his eyes open.

"This had better be good Hamilton. I swear to God, if it's not I will end you."

"Daniel, I need your help buddy."

"What man? Come on, I was just going to sleep."

"No, seriously Dan. I need you."

"Aww, I'm touched Lewis. After all these years you're finally admitting your feelings."

"Cut the crap Dan. It's Seb. I should have said Seb needs you. He needs us." Daniel heard the seriousness in Lewis' voice.

"What's wrong? Is Seb OK?"

"Far from it. Karin has ended things. He's took it bad. He's drinking a lot. I'm trying to get him back to his room but not having much luck. I've never seen him like this man."

"Where are you?"

"Down in the hotel bar."

"I'll be right down." Daniel ended the call and jumped out of bed. He quickly put his jeans back on, pulled a t-shirt over his head and slipped his trainers on, not bothering with socks. Grabbing his key card, he yanked open his suite door and headed to the stairwell. Bugger waiting for the elevator.

He took the stairs two at a time. They had to get Seb out of there before the press found him, if they hadn't already. He burst through the door into the lobby, crossing it as fast as he could without actually running. Entering the bar he cast his gaze around trying to locate his fellow drivers. Then he spotted them at a table in the corner. Also there was Seb's PA Britta.

"OK, what's going on mate?" Daniel said, sliding onto the seat next to Seb. Seb shrugged and took another swig out of his glass.

"Apparently I don't fulfil her needs. She's left me for another man, one who pays her more attention. One who is apparently better in bed than I am, one who's more of a man."  Daniel sighed, what could he say to that? He looked at Lewis who raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

"Seb, come on man. Don't do this to yourself. You really don't want the press to get wind of this. You're looking for a new seat and this really doesn't look good. Let's get you back to your room."

"Don't you get it Daniel? I'm finished. Ferrari doesn't want me. Now Karin doesn't want me. It's over. I'm washed up."  Daniel couldn't believe what he was hearing. This was Sebastian Vettel. Four time Formula 1 world champion. Winner of fifty three Grand Prix. Former Red Bull bitch.  Master of Multi 21.

"I'm not having that champ. You are going to sort your shit out because we are not going to stand by and let you chuck your career away. You are going back to your room. You are going to sleep. Then in the morning I hope you have the bloody hangover from hell for ruining my early night. Then you are going to fight. Fuck Ferrari.  Fuck Karin. There are plenty more fish in the sea. And you are going to show the other teams why they should be signing you. You are thirty three years old Sebastian. You have years left yet. Look at Kimi. He's forty and showing no signs of slowing down."

"I'm no Kimi. He doesn't give a fuck about what people think."

"Well maybe it's time for you to channel your inner Kimi. Sod them all Seb.   Now come on.  Poor Britta looks exhausted. And think of Lewis. That poor bugger needs as much beauty sleep as he can get."  Seb gave a little laugh, in spite of himself.  Lewis pretended to look offended.  "Yes? Come on mate. We'll walk you up." 

Seb nodded. Britta sighed with relief. She'd been dreading the fallout if he'd been spotted. Thankfully the bar had been dead tonight. Seb stood up, surprisingly steady on his feet for someone who had drank as much as he had.

Together the four of them headed out to the elevator. They rode it up in silence. Britta left them on the fourth floor, telling Seb she would see him bright and early in the lobby. The drivers then continued up to the sixth floor where they all had suites. Daniel and Lewis walked Seb to his door.

"Where's your key card?" Lewis asked him. Seb patted his pockets and finally pulled it out of his hoodie.  Lewis took it from him and swiped it. The door opened and they followed him in. He went straight through to the bedroom and collapsed onto the bed. Lewis and Daniel stayed in the lounge area.

"He's a mess," whispered Lewis. "He's going to ruin any chance he has of getting a drive if he doesn't sort himself out pronto."

"He'll be ok. He's Seb. He's better off without Karin anyway. She was never right for him. Too interested in her own image and never interested in supporting him."  Lewis nodded in agreement. He'd never been a fan of Karin. "What he needs is a woman that will be there for him. One that will stand by him through the bad days,  not just the good ones."

"It's a bit early to be thinking about him finding someone else isn't it? They only split up a few hours ago." Daniel grinned at Lewis.

"Well it's not going to happen overnight, but yeah, that's the plan."

"But you know Seb, he's scared stiff of chatting up women. Remember how long it took him to ask Karin out?"  Daniel remembered well. Seb might appear confident on the surface but he lacked confidence where it came to the ladies. It had taken him three months to pluck up the nerve to ask Karin out on a date. Her best friend Dionne had been dating Nico Hulkenberg at the time and they'd met on a night out in Monte Carlo. He didn't think Seb would have ever have plucked up the courage if he and Nico hadn't intervened. That had been five years ago and he was pretty sure Seb hadn't changed.

"Leave it with me Lulu."

"What are you up to Daniel? Don't get meddling. It's too soon. He's not going to want a new girlfriend."

"These things take time. I need to start on my masterplan. I need to find the candidates."

"Candidates? What the fuck are you on about Ricciardo?"

"Lewis, I am going to find Seb his perfect woman."

Project Girlfriend (Sebastian Vettel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin