'Oh my lord this is it' I began smiling so big feeling like I was graduating high school again.

You have been accepted into Harveys Staggs College Universities A Home For not only others but now You!

I read the whole things ecstatic with what I was Receiving.

You're 2020 fall season will start on August 20th –

"What?" I say Looking at the date. It was the 18th! That means I only had Tomorrow to get ready.

"MA!" I yelled out Jumping Up an Over the couch running to my room.

"Yeah?" She called back her head showing briefly from the entrance of the door way.

"I got accepted into HSCU!" I yelled out heading to my closet.

"What?" She said confused walking from the kitchen to my room standing at my door.
"You said what Now Girl?" She asked again her lips turned up.

Tossing a heap load of clothes from the hangers On to my bed I turned to my Mom Smileing.

"I got accepted Into HSCU." I said again this time more Calmly sounding sure of my words.

We did the stare game for what felt like a Moment an a half an Soon she cut her eyes from me sucking her teeth.

"No the hell You didn't." She shook her head now 'shaking' in anger. "I know damn well You did not apply to that Big Ole popular College thats Way over damn Yonder!" She half yelled coming into my room Waving her hands.

"I did Ma! An Nothing You or daddy say will stop me from leaving." I smiled Not holding back any sympathy since I was Passionate about finding my own Life without their say or them towering over my shower waiting for me to just mess Up.

"You aint got no Car EVANGELINE!" She yelled turning calling for my Dad. " JACKSON!" She yelled loud while I turned from her grabbing my travel bags opening them up.

"JACKSON ! Bring yo ass in here yo daughter done lost her mind!" She exaggeratedly said huffing, watching as I kept packing up My bags.

I honestly didn't care anymore. I was Past the point of anyone saying I couldn't love my life the way I wanted to.

"What about the community college here Angel?" She turned back to me pointing her fingers in my space.

"You mean the same community college- You have all the teachers convinced that I should do my work online Since you personally know everyone?!" I snapped at her. Our town was small an pretty isolated from the rest of the world so really everyone knew everyone.

My moms face soften an she went to open her mouth to say something quickly closing it again. "Angel-." She started off to say.

"Whats Going on?" My Dad asked showing up wiping his hands on his shirt.

"You're daughter is trying to leave to HSCU!" She exclaimed.
"What?" he snapped his neck my way.

"Dad." I stood up straight. "Tell Mom I'm A growing woman an I can do what I want." I squinted at him testing him to see whose side he was on.
He took in a deep breath Looking from my Mom to me. He looked conflicted looking from my mothers hard face to my soft one both of us just waiting to hear what he was About to say.

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