Chapter 5

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Before we start, let's clear a few things.

1. Provisional Kingdom/ Vassal Kingdom :
A Kingdom or state that has obligation to another Kingdom. They can take individual decisions and rule as they want. But if the other Kingdom passes a judgement or rule throughout it's all provisional Kingdoms, they are bound to follow. And of course paying tribute and military support comes under those obligations.

Such Kingdoms are Anga, Kashi (after Arjun won war and Maharaj Subahu was made King), Indraprasth. Under Hastinapur's command, but free to rule.

2. Ultimate Freedom of provisional Kingdom : Provisional Kingdoms can be free after they get support from 100 Kingdoms. (Not as superior, but as ally)

3. Rajasuya Yagna :
Where all the Kings (not only 100) of Aryavart either gives their unflinching support (as Dwarka supported Indraprasth) or accept and acknowledge the authority of one King. They are free to rule as they want, but accept the sovereignty of the King. Then only this Yagna is conducted and a Chakravarty Samrat is made.

4. Ashwamedh Yagna :
Where horses followed by warriors run through all lands of all Kings. If the horses cross your land, you have to fight or accept sovereignty of the King by paying tribute.

Rajasuya and Ashwamedh both has similar outcome, only the process or customs followed are different.

Means, Yudhisthir is only Maharaj now, not Samrat.
And Indraprasth is Provisional Kingdom of Hastinapur.


"Mitra!" Duryodhan called from behind as he saw Karna and Subhadra sitting near the seaside. Karna didn't turn and continued to stare at the sea blankly. He had been like this after his tears stopped flowing. Subhadra hadn't pressed him to talk or move. She just sat with him grasping his left hand. She turned to look at Duryodhan who was approaching them slowly, wondering what he wanted.

"I don't even know what to say to you. I have done another mistake. You are my Mitra, I shouldn't have reacted that way. I should have understood your situation. But I reacted in anger without thinking through. Please forgive me Mitra. Please." Duryodhan said looking at Karna emotionally.

"I know what must you be going through. For years, you have been humiliated for being a Sootputra. You struggled with poverty and society to get recognition. And now, you get to know that those things you struggled for was yours only. I can feel your pain." Duryodhan said in a pained voice keeping a hand on his shoulder.

"Kakishree had done such a big sin. How can a woman be so cruel! Doesn't she have a heart? And now after flowing you away and becoming the cause of all your misfortune, she has come to apologise. Really? After watching your humiliation for all these years. After watching her sons humiliate you silently? No, she doesn't deserve forgiveness. All those things that were yours has been given to Yudhisthir. She loved and protected her sons. Even her step-sons got her affection and care. But You were left to die. Only because of her partiality towards you. She has no right on forgiveness after all this. Now only justice will be served. You come with me Mitra. After we reach Hastinapur, I will help you in getting justice. Now, I won't let any injustice fall on you. Come." Duryodhan said but got no response from him. Subhadra frowned looking at him.

"Bhrata Duryodhan!!!" Arjun shouted at him from behind. Duryodhan turned and glared at Arjun hard.
"Who are you to question our mother's love and affection?!! She has done a mistake by leaving Jyesth. But that didn't mean she doesn't love or care for him. He is her first child. You can't even imagine the pain of a mother who didn't know where her child is or in what condition. You have no idea how her heart cried out every time her son was humiliated. As for Bhrata Yudhisthir getting everything, we have no desire for anything except our brother's affection. We're here to give him the right and respect he deserves only. And Bhrata Yudhisthir was the first one who set out to rectify Mata's mistake. You are talking about partiality and injustice! You? When it is you who remember Nakul and Sahdev as her step-son, not her." Arjun said in an equally angry and pained voice.

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