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Yudhisthir stretched his muscles as he felt a strain after sitting for so long. He went towards the window of his study facing the front side of the palace. He smiled as his eyes fell on Devika and Yaudheya sitting beside the fountain with Valandhara.

"Bhrata Yudhisthir!!!" Nakul came inside the study suddenly looking angry and tensed. He didn't even take permission before entering and that was enough for Yudhisthir to understand something had happened.

Something to make his brother so panicked.

"What happened Nakul? Is everything all right?" Yudhisthir asked in concern.

"Nothing is alright! They have lost their mind!" Nakul said in agitation.

"Calm down Nakul. Tell me what happened clearly. Who lost their mind?"

"Madra Naresh! He has lost his mind! He has captured Sahdev!" Nakul said fuming in anger.

Yudhisthir was shocked hearing the news.

"In what charge?" Yudhisthir asked after composing himself. But Nakul shifted his gaze elsewhere unable to even say it aloud.

"Nakul? I asked something. In what charge has they captured Sahdev?" Yudhisthir asked again.

Nakul took a deep breath before answering,


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