Chapter 20

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"Arya, I will also come with you." Draupadi said as soon as Arjun entered their bedchamber.

"Panchali --" Arjun started but was stopped by her.

"Do not try to persuade me otherwise. I'm your better half. We have taken vows to support each other at every stage of life, in rain or shine. I will not stop you from fulfilling your Dharma, from going to exile. But I will also not leave you alone in your penance. I will accompany you wherever you go." Draupadi said with firm determination.

Arjun smiled at her and came to sit beside her. He held her left hand in both of his gently.

"I will not persuade you from fulfilling your Dharma Panchali. You'll be with me even though you're not physically present. You'll remain with me as my strength. I will be at ease knowing you're here to take care of our family, of our child." Arjun said softly smiling at her.

Draupadi stared at him with glistening eyes. Earlier after she lost consciousness, the physician was called to check her as she didn't open her eyes even after their tries. At the midst of this catastrophe, they received the amazing news of Draupadi being pregnant.

"Arya --"

"We are now going to be parents Panchali. God has blessed us with the greatest happiness of married life. And it is our responsibility, we take utmost care of this little life growing inside you. Exile is not something you should face at this condition. I wouldn't have stopped you if it was only us. But Panchali, now you're not only a wife, but is soon going to be a mother too. And as my wife too, it is your duty to take care of my child. So, fulfill your duty." Arjun said again in the same gentle manner.

Draupadi couldn't hold herself anymore. Tears slipped past her eyes as she continued to stare at him. Arjun wiped her tears tenderly and took her in his embrace, caressing her head as she sobbed silently.

"Arya, how is Draupadi now?" Devika asked trying to sit up. Yudhisthir quickly came closer to help her.

"She's fine, but a little upset." Yudhisthir replied lightly.

"This all happened because of me. Bhrata Arjun was only defending me. Is is really necessary for him to go?" Devika asked sadly.

"It's not your fault at all Davika. Don't think that. As for Arjun going, that can not be avoided. Even though I don't want him to go and tried to change his mind, I couldn't answer his question when he asked if I would have went against Mata in his place." Yudhisthir answered.


"Bhrata Yudhisthir, what are you doing? You were supposed to reach the hall long ago. Everyone is waiting for you to start the rituals." Nakul said coming inside Yudhisthir's meeting room.

"I was about to come. Just a moment." Yudhisthir said hurriedly correcting the treaty proposal he was checking.

"No. Mata has ordered me to send you immediately. Come on." Nakul ushered him to leave all works for later and go to the hall for Devika's baby shower. All the ladies were present there and waiting to start the ceremony.

"Where's the others?" Yudhisthir asked while walking through the corridor. He was getting a bad vibe since morning. Might be because it was the last day. After this day he would be able to breath a little easily. He couldn't wait for this day to be over sooner.

"Sahdev is at the temple looking at the arrangements. Bhrata Bheem is checking out the surroundings and bhrata Arjun is watching over the security measures. And I was outside the hall guarding when Mata sent me to fetch you." Nakul replied coolly.

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