Chapter 55

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Vijaya's loud sobs filled the otherwise silent chamber. Manuja was trying hard to control her own tears. More than one prahar had passed since they were sitting like that and holding each other. Manuja was trying to console her and after much tries Vijaya's sobs subsided. Manuja then helped a tired Vijaya in getting up. After forcing her to take a relaxing bath, Manuja made her sit on a couch while drying and combing her hair.

Vijaya's thoughts were disorientated and hurting her too much though her tears had dried up.

"Vijaya?" Manuja called her softly. "Do not think about this so much meri bacci. Everything will be fine." She said assuring her by keeping her hand on her shoulder.

"Was my mother really a characterless woman Maani Maa?" Vijaya asked in a broken whisper. Why would Maharaj Dyutimata use such hateful words for her mother?!

"No, meri bacci. Don't think like that. She was your mother and she loved you very much." Manuja said instantly.

"I am not asking that Maani Maa." Vijaya said softly directing her wet eyes at Manuja. Manuja stared at her for a while before diverting her eyes. With a far-away look in her eyes, she started saying,

"Raani Prajwalaa was an ordinary girl with dreams and hopes before becoming a queen or your mother. Her heart was already dedicated to someone else when those dreams got shattered. I saw her. I saw her breaking in helplessness. I felt her despair and hurt. Her mind knew she was now a queen and a wife. She knew she should honour the vows taken during marriage. But her heart never listened. It kept mourning for those shattered dreams. She struggled. She tried. She really did. But at the end, could never pacify her heart."

Manuja took a deep breath before adding,
"She wasn't a bad woman Vijaya. She was just weak."

"Maharaj---he really did kill her?!" Vijaya whispered after staying quiet for sometime.

"Everyone in this palace knew how much he loved and adored your mother. Maharani Chitralata was actually jealous and mean towards her because of this. Raani Prajwalaa understood it too. But as I said, she was weak to win the battle with her unruly heart. That day, both of them lost themselves and became something that no one could ever expect or imagine. When he dragged her to the chamber, I was playing with you. I was surprised by looking at both of them. Raani Prajwalaa was looking lifeless and Maharaj had this enraged look in his eyes. I went outside immediately, but stayed close to the door. They were shouting at each other. And Raani Prajwalaa---" Manuja trailed off taking a shaky breath.

"She said some really inappropriate and hateful things that she shouldn't have. I think she was deliberately instigating him. Otherwise I can't think of a reason why she would act like that. And then---"
She gulped remembering the dreadful events. She remained silent for sometime before she said,

"I am not saying Raani Prajwalaa was at fault and Maharaj was right in his actions. None of them were completely right at their places. I am just telling you not to bring any negative thoughts or malice for either of them in your mind."

"Why did it happen Maani Maa? Why they had to be like that? Why couldn't they live happily together? And why didn't I get their loves? What was my fault in this?" Vijaya asked as her pain started to flow from her eyes freely again.

"There's no fault of yours in all of it Vijaya. The fault was of situation and destiny. And do not think that they didn't love you. They did. But the pain of their hearts poisoned their minds so much that they forgot to acknowledge that love." Manuja replied wiping her tears gently.
"The upcoming days are not going to be easy for you meri bacci. But always remember one thing. No matter what happens, never neglect your duties, never close your heart  and never let hatred grow in it."

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