Chapter 48

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It had been more than one week after Sahdev left for Madra. Drisana was in the hut of Draupadi playing with Shrutakarma. Kunti had gone to the temple and Draupadi was busy in cooking. Malini had gone outside to wash the clothes.

"Jiji, how did you manage everything on your own? I am having so much difficulty. And I look like a walking whale." Drisana said with a pout. Draupadi chuckled hearing her.

"You look cute. And we all are here to help you through it. So why do you worry when you have your personal Vaiyd with you all the time?" Draupadi said teasingly. Drisana gave her a look at which Draupadi chuckled. Drisana joined her too, but didn't stop when Draupadi did. She continued laughing.

"Drisana? Are you okay?" Draupadi asked looking at her weird behaviour.

"Not really. The baby is tickling me from inside again." Drisana said while laughing. Draupadi chuckled again at that. Shrutakarma was also smiling wide looking at her.

One of the most exciting moments of pregnancy was feeling the baby move within the womb. That fluttery, swishing, quivery feeling from deep within the belly connected a mother to her unborn child, cementing the bond between mother and baby. However, to Drisana it felt like the baby was tickling her. It left her laughing like a mad woman.

After a while she got her laughter under control as the baby had stopped moving. She calmed down after some more moments and then spend some more time there before coming back to the Palace. Just as she came back, Tara came to her looking worried.

"What happened?" Drisana asked after dismissing the other maids.

"I don't know Rajkumari. But something must have happened." Tara replied confusing her. "Rajkumar Nakul went to Maharaj's study in anger. After a while both of them came outside. And right now, Maharaj is preparing to leave Indraprasth. He has ordered the troupe to be ready as soon as possible."

Drisana frowned in concern. Everything was going fine. Suddenly, what had happened? Drisana went to Devika to know the matter. Yudhisthir wouldn't leave Indraprasth without informing her. Upon asking a worried looking Devika, she got to know that Yudhisthir was leaving for Madra. But why that was unknown to Devika too. This worried Drisana too. Had something happened to Sahdev?


Yudhisthir was in his meeting chamber talking with Nakul. He was all set to leave for Madra.

"Let me come with you bhrata." Nakul requested in worry.

"No, Nakul. You need to be here to handle everything. Trust me. I will return with Sahdev only." Yudhisthir said calmly.

"How can they put such a blame on him?" Nakul said in anger and sorrow.

"This is a delicate matter. We need to handle it carefully. Madra Naresh has kept this in secrecy. He has captured our soldiers with Sahdev too. Sahdev sent the message through one of his trusted men of Madra. That means Madra Naresh also doesn't want anyone to know about this. Otherwise with all the guests present there, this news would have spread like wildfire in a jungle." Yudhisthir said contemplating.

"This news should not come out. Otherwise Sahdev and Indraprasth both's reputation will be tarnished. Do not tell even family members, especially Mata. Bheem is going to return soon. Do not tell anything to him too. I will talk to them after coming back." Yudhisthir ordered. Nakul nodded in understanding.

The both then left the chamber as everything was ready for departure. Nakul watched with a heavy heart as Yudhisthir left Indraprasth.


Journey through the Grand Canyon (Drisana's Mahabharat #2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant