He awake to the steady patter of rain upon his huge windows, droplets yet to scatter the nascent rays of the rising sun. The sound brings a calmness to mind, a soothing melody, a natural lullaby.

It was early in the morning, the sun was no were to be seen as the sky was covered with dark clouds, and everyone except the birds was still sleeping. But something wasn't right this morning. And he awoke alone in his bed. His fiery redhead had disappeared! He was snuggling with a pillow and the bed was cold indicating his mate left the bed for quite a long time now. He jumped to a sitting position, and the worst-case scenario flashed through his mind. Perhaps his mate left him again while he was sleeping. He went to check the bathroom, and it was empty, as was the closet. When he went to check on the balcony, he saw something he wished he hadn't. She was drenched in rain, sitting on the cold floor, hugging her knees. Her long, fiery red hair had become damp and darker, and it was sticking to her skin. She has a distant look in her eyes. She didn't appear to be all that cheerful, and her fiery demeanour was completely absent. She appeared to be...broken and vulnerable. A side of her he had never seen before and would not have seen if she hadn't noticed him by the balcony door. He felt compelled to reach out to her, comfort her, and relieve her pain, regardless of what was causing it. He takes a step towards her, and her head snaps towards him, and she quickly stands up, wiping away any expression on her face.

"You got up early this morning." He said this while putting his hands in his trouser pockets.

"Yeah." She walks into the closet taking a pair of clothes and rushes to the bathroom without waiting for a response.

He suddenly felt like a complete moron, constantly fighting with her and losing his cool when she said something hurtful to his ego. She had every right to be angry at him and say those things to him. He brought her here and is keeping her here even though she clearly does not want to be here. He knows nothing about her other than her first name, hell he didn't even ask her last name. He facepalmed and felt like an asshole. When the bathroom door opens and she walks out wearing blue jeans and a white floral top, his head shoots up. Her hair was still wet, and she looks fresh. He could smell his citrus shampoo and body wash with her scent of lavender and vanilla coming from her. He was pleased because she smelled so much like him.

She walks into the closet without even looking at him. He sighs and walks following her. She takes a seat in front of the dresser and begins blow-drying her hair. She doesn't hitch or yell at him to get out, as she usually does when he follows her to the closet or balcony. He pretends to be looking for something to wear while occasionally looking at her. She has a blank expression on her face as she continues to dry her hair. He finally succumbs, sighing, and asks, "Is something wrong, princess?" She does not respond to his nickname in the way he expected.


"Are you sure? You seem to be off." She does not respond.

"You know you could tell me about anything that's bothering you."

"Yeah, sure. You are the one bothering me. There I said it, now leave me alone, Your Highness."

Your Highness, she says bitterly, venom pouring from the word. It catches him off guard as he wonders what changed for her to despise him so much, or, more likely, to despise the Royal title so much. He leaves after a while of standing there and not catching any other expressions from her.

When he exists from the bathroom, freshly showered and dressed, he finds her sitting on the bed with the same distant look in her eyes. She doesn't acknowledge his presence, nor does she raise her head to meet his gaze. Moments pass in silence until Aiden decides to break the silence,

"Let's go and have some breakfast, my moon." His soft tone and remark compel her to look at him.

There was a flick of a foreign emotion in her eyes that appears and disappears so fast that he thought he might have imagined it. He offers his hand

"Come on you haven't got out of the room in weeks." She frowns and crosses her hands over her chest. He rubs his neck with an awkward laugh and says

"Okay, I haven't let you leave. I'm sorry." She still doesn't say anything and keeps the 'are you serious' look.

He rolls his eyes and says again

"I haven't apologized to anyone."

"And what? I should feel special or something?" She arches her brows

"Look I don't know what's wrong or what got you so upset but I'm just trying to light up your mood here. And I'm sorry for how I behaved these past months."

"By what? Taking me out of the here and to the dining room? Well, let me tell you then you are doing a terrible job." She rolls her eyes.

"I said let's go have breakfast, I didn't say where." He smirks and walks towards the double doors. He returns his gaze to her, who has a perplexed expression on her face.

"Come on, little moon," He says.

He opens the door and motions for her to exit. She stands up and walks out the door, with Prince Aiden following behind. This is going to be an intriguing day.


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