Wake Up Call

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"Oh, my head" you grunt as you sit up. looking around, you find yourself in what looks to be New York City. You immediately begin to wonder how you got to New York, but as you look closer, you see that this isn't the NYC you know. All of the inhabitants of the city appear to be humanoid animals! They walk like humans, have five fingers and five toes (You know this because a few of them aren't wearing shoes). But at the same they have fur all over their bodies according to the animal they are and the thing that worried you the most were the claws that some of them were carrying. After making all of these observations you then make another disturbing discovery... none of them are moving because they're all looking at you!

You hear a lot of mixed questions from the crowd, the most common of which were 'a human?' and 'where'd it come from?'

You were worried to say the least but unsure of what to do. Eventually, a female wolf in a police uniform came through the crowd followed by several other officers you assume as they all had 'POLICE' in bold print on all of their vests and uniforms. The wolf, who seemed to be the one in charge, approached you slowly. She looked at you up and down in astonishment. It was at this point that you realized that she actually stood somewhere around ten or eleven feet tall while most of the creatures were only about eight or nine feet tall. There were a few around her height, but not many.

"I wonder what she wants from me" you think as the wolf stands in front of you and kneels down to your level so that she's eye to eye with you.

"Can you understand me?" she asks.

"Y-yes... I can understand you" you reply. You're still trying to understand what's happening but so far, you're doing a great job of keeping it together... In your opinion at least.

"Remarkable" the wolf gasped.

"What's remarkable?" Ask genuinely confused at her question.

"You, you speak perfect English despite the fact that you're a completely different species!" The wolf exclaimed. However, she soon remembered that she was in a public setting and on duty. She knew that you were an incredible discovery (to them at least) and this was history in the making for her world, but as an officer, duty came first. She took a brief moment to compose herself before regarding you once more. "I have to take you into custody now."

You stare up at the wolf dubiously, "Custody?" You ask, "Why?"

The wolf, seeing you were frightened, tried to calm you, "It's not that you've done anything wrong, it's just that I'm concerned that some of the less civilized or more questionable citizens here in this city may take advantage of you being defenseless and disoriented."

"I see...." You reply confused. "What does she mean by that?" you wonder.

"Good," The wolf gave a gentle smile and stood back up to her full height. You only came up to just above her stomach, if that. Looking at the crowd you start to realize that even though she is one of the bigger anthros, just about all of the anthros outsized you more than a little bit.

"We still haven't been formally introduced, I'm Captain Luna Barker, but you can call me Luna," 'Luna' said as she smiled down on you.

"It's nice to officially meet you Luna," You reply, "I'm-"

"-A very interesting specimen" a new voice interrupts. The crowd and officers turn to see who had spoken. Not far from where you were, a limo had pulled up, the back door was already open and standing before you in a business outfit was a nine tailed fox. She was even bigger than Luna, only by a couple of feet, and she gave of a cold aura. Her golden eyes were masked by a set of frameless, oval shaped reading glasses which had a light tent of purple. She wore purple business slacks and a blazer to match, her foot paws could be seen poking out of the bottom of each pant leg. Under the blazer, she had a white shirt and purple tie. Her hair was brunette and stopped about at her shoulders. Behind her, nine regal tails swayed about in a calm yet unsettling manor. Her voice was very smooth and calm, yet it had a powerful resonance behind it. "Allow me to introduce myself; I am Silvia Deluma, and I own everything in this city and the region around it.... Including you," She stated with a toothy smile. She then leveled her head and peered down on you through her glasses while extending a hand toward you, palm up, "And you are?"

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