"In dhis life,
One t'ing counts.
In dhe bank,
Large amounts.
I'm afraid dhese don't grow on trees,
You've got to pick a pocket or two..."

Rogue groaned out loud as she was woken the next morning by Remy singing loudly in her head. She propped herself up on her right arm and peered at the clock on the table beside her bed. 7:33am.
"Remy, would ya shut up!" Rogue muttered out loud as she sat up, her back slouched over.
"Wha'? Yo' don' like Remy's singing?" He asked in a mock offended tone.
"Not when ya singing a song in ya annoying accent when it's meant to be sung in a nineteenth century English accent." She grunted, again out loud without realising it, as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Whah are you singin' a song from Oliver anyway?"
"Oliver be Remy's favourite movie." He told her. Rogue froze in her actions and her jaw dropped a little in disbelief.
"Ya kiddin'..." She said into the silent room as more of a statement than a question.
"No, Remy bein' completely honest. It's been Remy's favourite movie since he was jus' a little boy." He insisted quite seriously. "Seen it more times dhan he can remember. Know all dhe songs by heart."
"Ah don't think Ah'm ever gonna know everything about ya even with ya in mah head." Rogue said good naturdely through a yawn.
"Marie?" Logan's voice came from the door moments before it swung open and he came storming in. Rogue stared at him with wide eyes, rather startled by the sudden appearance, as he glared around the room. "Who were ya talkin' to?" He demanded. Rogue paled as she realised she'd been speaking out loud the whole time. What with Logan's heightened sense of hearing, he must have been able to hear her easily through the thin wall that separated their rooms.
"Ah...Ah wasn't talkin' to anyone." Rogue answered with a slight stutter.
"I heard your voice. You were talkin' about some guy called Oliver." He told her, his voice underlined with a growl. Rogue held back a laugh at the fact Logan thought Oliver was a person.
"Erm...Ah was just...Talkin' to mahself." She made up hesitantly.
"Talkin' to yourself?" Logan repeated with a frown.
"Yeah. Ya know, just thinkin' aht lahd." She confirmed with a small smile , and what she hoped was, a casual shrug. Logan looked at her hard before glancing around the room again and giving a few sniffs. After a while, a growl escaped his lips and Rogue wasn't sure which emotion it was supposed to convey. Her guess would've been suspicion or something like that but she had to admit, it hadn't sounded angry or seriously negative. It sounded more like reluctant acceptance, concern and worry.
"You ought to watch it." He grunted to her. "Talkin' to yourself is the first sign of madness." After saying that, he left the room, shutting the door behind him. Rogue stared after him, not sure how to react. Being told something like that should usually be taken as a joke, but Logan had said it so seriously. Almost like he was actually worried she was really going mad. She continued to stare ahead of herself, lost in melancholy thought, until she heard Remy humming.
"Hmm hmm hmm hmm-hmm-hmmhmm hmm hmm..."
Remy..." Rogue said in a warning tone.
"You've got to pick-a-pocket or two!" Remy suddenly sang in a deep, opera-like voice. Rogue couldn't help laughing at him. She shook her head a little as she swung her legs over the side of the bed and got to her feet.
"Ya better not be singing for the rest of the day. Ah've got classes and it'll be hard to concentrate with ya crooning away insahde mah head." Rogue scolded in a playful way.
"Remy be on his best behaviour. T'ief's honour." He pledged.
"Thieves have honour?" She grinned as she headed into the bathroom adjoined to her room. Having deadly skin had it's advantages; a personal bathroom was one.
"Course we do. Yo' never heard of Robin Hood?" He inquired. Rouge smirked at him a little and replied:
"Robin Hood,
What a crook.
Gave away,
What he took.
Charity's fine, subscribe to mahne.
Get out and pick-a-pocket or two."

Rogue found her lessons were surprisingly dull. Even Art had failed to catch her interest. Remy had kept his word and remained silent until Rogue had started to talk to him. She almost immediately regretted it though as he started to try and make her laugh. She had been on the receiving end of some strange looks throughout English and French as she sometimes couldn't stop a giggle escaping. Now, it was lunchtime and Rogue had retreated to a more secluded part of the school gardens so she could laugh without being given funny looks. However, Remy was no longer trying to make her laugh and instead had goaded her into singing songs from Oliver with him. She had objected stubbornly at first but Remy continued to beg her, saying that singing all parts just wasn't the same as singing with others. She eventually gave in, mostly because she was in a bubbly and kinda hyper mood. So, as Rogue pretended to read on the outside, she sang along with Remy on the inside.

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