Bite Me

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This is the second part to Suck it, once again all the characters mentioned are 18+, please be nice in the comments and enjoy. 

When Draco woke up the next morning Harry was gone in his place was a note that he had gone back to his room and would see Draco at breakfast. Draco sighed and tried to get out of bed to go to his private bathroom only to have his legs give out. He groaned and got up again. He carefully stood on his weak legs and made his way to his bathroom. He took a quick shower before starting his skin care routine. He brushed some hair oil into his hair tell all the knots where out and it was smooth. He then got dressed in some casual clothes as there were no classes today. Once he was ready and he was sure his legs could support him, he made his way to the Great Hall. Draco thought about what had happened the evening before and smiled. He had been in love with Harry, and last night he was mostly sure that Harry had said he loved him as well, but he was half asleep and might have dreamed it. Draco snapped out of his thoughts as the chatter of voices reached his ears. He was at the Great Hall. He took a deep breath for walking in his eyes instantly looking for Harry. The air in his lungs left his body at what he saw. Ginny Weasley was hanging all over Harry. Kissing his cheek, pressing her breast against his arm. Draco held back tears as he watched Ginny turn Harry's head and kiss him full on the lips.

"You bloody arsehole." Draco whispered knowing Harry could hear him. He watched as Harry pushed Ginny off him and turned to look at Draco who knew his eyes were filled with tears. He quickly flipped Harry off and run out of the Great Hall. He didn't stop running tell he was outside but the Blake Lake. He went to his favorite tree and sat down in front of it. Tears still stung at his eyes some rolling down his face. He rubbed them away quickly. His father's cold voice rang in his head, 'Malfoys don't cry Draco'. This time though Draco couldn't stop the tears. His eyes filled and tears ran down his face. He thought there had been something between him and Harry. That maybe he had a chance. It seems that he was wrong. The rumor of Ginny and Harry breaking up was wrong and now Draco's heart was suffering for believing it was true. Why did he think he ever had a chance? Why would things work out for him...he had been on the wrong side of the war. He had helped the Death Eaters break into Hogwarts and destroy it. He...he had watched Dumbledore be murdered and did nothing. He had the dark mark on his forearm that would forever be a mark of shame. Why would the savior of the wizarding world ever want to be with an ex-Death Eater? Draco was sobbing at this point, gut wrenching sobs. All the pain and hurt he had pushed deep down inside of him came storming back up and there was nothing Draco could do to stop it. He was happy that no one came near the Great Lake too afraid of the giant squid attacking them. He would never hear the end of it if someone caught him ugly crying. Draco let his head fall back against the tree, his sobs finely stopping but tears still ran down his face. He looked up through the branches to the sky and wished that he could just climb on his broom and fly away.

*A few minutes earlier in the Great Hall*

Harry sat watching the doors, waiting for Draco to walk through them. He wishes he could have woken up with Draco, but he didn't want his friends to worry about him. So, he returned in the middle of night not surprised to find Hermione and Ron waiting for him in the common room. He told them he had been on a walk and lost track of time.

"Harry mate are you listening?" Ron almost yelled snapping Harry from his thoughts. He looked around and discovered that Hermione and Ron had sat down across from him. He also saw that Ginny was sitting extremely close to him. Ginny had broken up with a few weeks after the war. Harry had discovered her in bed with someone else, she had dumped him right then and there. He had left The Burrow a few days later and traveled around the wizarding world. It was on that trip that he became a vampire. He had met another wizard named Edward and his lover Jacob (A/N: >.>) they hit off and spent the evening drinking. Somehow, they made it back to Harry's hotel room, at some point Edward revealed that he was a vampire, which amazed Harry because it was his first-time meeting one. Harry couldn't remember exactly what happened but when he woke up, he was a vampire. Edward apologized profusely and felt horrible, but Harry reassured him he was just as much at fault, and kind of remembers asking to be one. It was then that Harry got to drink from Jacob who was Edwards's blood donor. Harry contacted McGonagall asking for help. He never returned to The Burrow and instead stayed at 12 Grimmauld Place. He spent the rest of the break cleaning the place up and going through things. Kreacher, who Harry had set free after the war, was more then happy to help Harry and was hired as caretaker.

Harry and Draco One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora