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This is the first part of a three part series. This is a mature story and has mature content, all the characters in this one shot are 18+. If you do not like one shots with sex scenes please stop reading now. Please be kind in the comments, any comments that I believe will get my stories reported will be deleted. With that I hope you guys enjoy this one shot!

Draco yelled out as he came for the 5th time that night. He peered down his body at the brunet that was currently eating his asshole out like it was a buffet. Draco's back arched up his thighs tightened around the head nestled between them.

"Draco darling, I can't properly enjoy my meal if you don't open your thighs nice and wide for me." Harry growled slowly pushing Draco's thighs open again. Draco felt his dick twitch and watched as more precum leaked from his head and pooled on his stomach.

*A few hours earlier*

Draco slowly sauntered into the ministry of magic. He hated making this trip but luckily, he only had to do it once a month. He ignored all the looks and glares his received and made his way to level four which housed the magical creature department, otherwise known as "Department for the regulation and control of magical creatures" a department Draco had gotten quite familiar with over the last year.

As he stepped out of the elevator, he suddenly stopped making the women walking out behind him run into his back. He glanced down at the mousey looking girl and started to apologize for his rude behavior, mother did raise a gentleman after all. She looked up at him and quite literally squeaked like a mouse.

"I am so sorry Mr. Malfoy!" She squeaked before scampering off through a employee only door.

"Still scaring people, I see." A deep baritone voice chuckled. Draco looked over at Harry Potter. It was his fault Draco had stopped in the first place. Out of all the times Draco has come to this department this is the first time he has run into his school crush/enemy.

"It seems so. I would apologize but I'm afraid she'll faint if I talk to her again." Draco chuckled shivering slightly at the barking laugh Harry let out.

"I believe she would. What brings you here Draco?" Harry asked gently grabbing Draco's arm and moving them out of the way of the elevator.

"Same thing that has for the last couple of years. To get my blood pills."

"Your what?" Harry asked a look of shock on his face.

"Blood pills. It's what the ministry gives vampires every month, so they won't go around sucking people dry." Draco sighed it seems not much has changed since school. "I assume you're here to get your wolfsbane potion. I heard they are dreadful, is that true?" Draco asked hoping to distract Harry from asking why he would need blood pills.

"Yes, they taste horrid, Draco....why would you need blood pills?" Harry questioned looking at Draco with his gorgeous emerald, green eyes. Draco resisted the urge to swoon. Those eyes would be the death of him.

"It should be obvious Potter, but since it seems like your just as clueless as you were in school, I'll explain it to you simply. I am a vampire. I require blood to live, so instead of sucking some poor person dry, or taking blood from a donor, I take blood pills. Now if you'll excuse me, I must get my monthly prescription." With that Draco strutted away. He really wanted to run away. The way Harry was looking at him was making his knees weak with want. Draco walked up to the little window and was surprised to see the little mousey girl.

"I'm terribly sorry for scaring you earlier, I do hope you'll forgive me for stopping so suddenly." Draco apologized he might have turned on a bit of charm as well.

" it's okay...I'm. Uh also sorry for not paying attention...uh what can I do for you Mr. Malfoy?" The girl stuttered out her face turning red.

Harry and Draco One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now