Suck it

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This is part one of another series, again all the characters are 18+, be nice in the comments, and I hope you enjoy. 

Harry was hungry and the food in front of him wasn't what he wanted. He wanted blood and he wanted it now.

"Not hungry mate?" Ron asked loading up his plate for the third time. Or was it fourth?

"Yeah, I think I'm just going to go to bed." Harry responded standing up and walking out of the great hall.

He hadn't been a vampire for awfully long and the only other people that knew he was, was McGonagall and Hagrid. She was the one who informed him that he could substitute human blood with animal blood. So, he would go into the dark forest and find a rabbit or something. He would then give the carcasses to Hagrid who would cook them or feed them to one of the magical creatures he took care of. Harry usually went into the forest once or twice a week. He of course would eat what he could at meals, but it was quickly becoming difficult to do so. Everything started to taste of...well nothing. As Harry made his way to the dark forest, he was unaware of the sliver eyes that watched him. Hours had gone by and Harry had only managed to find three rabbits and two mice. They weren't very filling, and he was getting hungrier by the minute. He suddenly smelt blood. It wasn't extraordinarily strong, probably from a scrap or a shallow cut. Someone was in the forest with him, and they smelt delicious. Harry had tried human blood only once. The vampire that changed him accidentally (a story for another time) had a... donor would be the best word for it. A person, usually a witch or wizard but Harry was told it could be anyone willing to do it. Most commonly though it was the vampire's spouse or lover. As an apology to Harry, he allowed Harry to drink from his donor. Usually, blood was taken from the neck and, he was told, that it tasted best when the vampire and the donor were engaging in sex. Harry chose the wrist and kept his clothes on. The blood still tasted amazing though. This blood though, made Harry's fangs throb, he had never smelt something so good, so wonderful, he could feel his mouth salivating.

"I know you're out there. Might as well reveal yourself." Harry yelled looking around. A figure slowly made its way out from behind a tree.

"The great Harry Potter is a vampire." Draco said stepping into the moonlight. Harry took a deep breath and held back a groan, it just had to be Malfoy. Draco looked more like a vampire then Harry did, with his pale hair and skin...his sliver eyes that reflected the moonlight perfectly, making them look like they were glowing.

"What are you doing here Malfoy?" Harry asked stepping closer.

"Confirming my suspicions, I'm surprised your friend Granger hasn't already figured it out. Must be too busy helping Weasley not fail." Draco chuckled running his hands through his hair which Harry noticed had grown quite long.

"What are you going to do now?" Harry asked taking another step forward.

"Nothing. Surprised? I am too. Usually, I would say something along the lines of my father will hear about this, but we both know he can't do anything where he is. Plus I... don't want to." Draco mumbled the last part a blush spreading over his face.

Harry could hear the beats of Draco's heart. He walked forward tell he was standing in front of Draco looking deeply into his eyes.

"You don't want to?" Harry whispered tucking a stray piece of blonde hair behind Draco's ear.

"...I actually want to... offer my help." Draco whispered his heartbeat getting faster.

"How would you help." Harry whispered dragging his fingertips down Draco's neck feeling his pulse.

"I can't imagine a few small creatures are enough to fill you up." Draco mumbled tilting his head slightly giving Harry a better view of his neck.

"You want to become my blood donor?" Harry asked shocked.

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