Private Dance

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I finished editing this one last night at like two in the morning, I was so tired at when I got to the end that I just made sure my updates were saved and then closed my lap top and went to bed. I have mixed feelings on this one shot, on one hand I think its good and on the other I think it could be improved. Anyway like always this is a mature one shot, everyone is 18+, everything is consensual and yeah you guys know the drill. I hope you enjoy reading this, stay safe and have a wonderful day, evening, night, etc! 

"Why are we going to a gay strip club again?" Ron asked for the fifth time as their taxi pulled up to the club.

"Cause it's our bachelor party and we are gay Ron." Dean said getting out of the taxi with his fiancé Seamus. They were getting married in a couple of weeks and had decided to do a joint bachelor party since they had the same friends anyway.

"I'm sitting in the back." Ron grumbled making Harry laugh. Ron was the only straight one in their small group. Seamus and Dean were gay whereas Neville and Harry were bi.

"At least Hermione doesn't have to worry about you getting a lap dance!" Harry joked making Ron grumble about needing more straight friends. The small group walked in and to Ron's dismay choose seats right by the stage.

"Hey boys having a fun night?" a voice asked from behind them, when they turned, they were surprised to find Pansy Parkinson.

"Pansy! We haven't seen you since school!" Dean yelled jumping up and hugging Pansy who laughed.

"Yeah its been awhile, so what are you guys up to?" Pansy asked looking around.

"It's our bachelor party! Seamus finely asked me to marry him!" Dean said showing Pansy the ring, the two squealed loudly.

"Took you long enough!" Pansy said looking at Dean's ring and winking at Seamus who blushed. They chatted for a bit more before Pansy asked if she could get them anything.

"We would like to start a tab under my name. None of us are driving tonight so keep the shots coming." Harry said winking at the couple. He was one of the best men and was paying for the drinks that night.

"Sure, it will be my pleasure and in honor of the grooms first two rounds are on the house! You guys came on a great night! Our star dancer is back from vacation and will be dancing tonight! If you can't find me, you can always go up to the bar where Blaise is bartending tonight. I'm sure he'd love to see you Neville." Pansy said before walking off to get some whiskey shots. Neville blushed a bright red as the guys elbowed him.

"I've heard of their star dancer. He is super-hot! His stage name is Angel, but they say he dances sinfully well. A coworker told me he got a lap dance from Angel once and came in his pants from how sexy it was. Babe we should see if we can get one!" Dean said grabbing Seamus's shoulder excitedly. The lights started to dim, and the boys got distracted by the dancer that came onto the stage. After a couple of dancers and a lot of shot's later the lights completely turned off and the announcer came on.

"Gentleman put your hands together for our very own piece of Heaven...ANGEL!!" the boys cheered loudly along with everyone else and a spotlight shined onto the stage. The curtains raised slowly first revealing strappy white heels, then pale legs incased in white fishnet stockings as the curtain got higher it revealed an ass that looked so round and plump in white leather booty shorts. Tips of tattooed wings shown out the bottom of the shorts and as the curtain went up more of the wings appeared. You could see that Angel had long pale blonde hair that was put into a ponytail. By the time all of Angel was revealed the cheering was so loud you couldn't even hear the music. Angel turned and the group fell silent. Dean and Seamus screamed, Neville turned even redder than before, Harry's jaw dropped, and Ron got up to sit at the bar mumbling that he wasn't drunk enough for this shit. Draco Malfoy stood on the stage gyrating and swaying his hips sinfully well. He strutted up to the pole that just so happened to be right in front of the group. The way Draco moved on that pole had Harry checking to see if he was drooling. Neville excused himself and escaped to the bar when Draco took off the leather shorts to reveal a white thong underneath. Seamus got up and whispered something in Deans ear as Draco took off his vest slowly and the two of them walked off toward the bathrooms. Draco stood before Harry in nothing but a white thong that didn't leave much to the imagination. Draco bent down in front of Harry showing off his round ass again and Harry licked his lips. Draco got onto his hands and knees and crawled backwards towards Harry. When he was almost to the edge he went on his knees and shook his ass into Harry's face. Harry stuffed the rest of his bills into Draco's thong never taking his eye's off that round ass. Draco spun around and thrusted his hips forward and showing Harry his pierced nipples and belly button. He leaned forward and Harry stopped breathing.

Harry and Draco One shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن