Chocking On Love

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This took forever to finish and I'm sorry about that, on the bright side this is 19 pages long with a total of 12,870 words. This is by far my longest one shot. For the rest of November there will not be another update as I am moving...again. Worry not though because I will never move again after this because I am moving into a house! That's right this bunnie will become a home owner. I am super excited because it is the perfect size for all my baby bunnies and me. I do not know when I will start working on one shots again but hopefully sometime in December. I hope you all are staying safe and that you have a wonderful day, evening, night etc. Now on to what you came here for.  (excuse any mistakes, its almost one in the morning and I'm exhausted from moving.) 

Draco watched as Harry's arm wrapped around Ginny Weasleys waist and for the first time wished he were a Weasley.

"Stop staring, they are going to think your up to something." Pansy said elbowing Draco in the side. Draco huffed.

"I'll stop staring at Potter when you stop staring at Granger." Draco fired back snapping his fingers in front of Pansy's face. She glared at him but looked down at her dinner plate. Draco glanced down at his food and pushed his plate away. It vanished and an empty one replaced it.

"Love, you barely touched your food is something wrong?" Blaise asked with a look of concern on his face.

"I'm just not feeling well. My throat has felt weird recently." Draco said taking a sip of his pumpkin juice. Pansy and Blaise both looked at him with worried looks.

"Oh, stop it, I probably just caught a cold or something. It's not a big deal. Here I'll have some soup is that better?" Draco said grabbing a bowl of potato soup, his friends nodded but closely watched him anyways. The rest of the meal was had in silence. As they were making their way back Draco realized they were walking behind the golden trio plus one. Draco seethed with jealousy and longing as he watched Potter tuck a stray strand of hair behind Weasleys ear. What did he see in that little red head anyway? Draco was a far better choice then she was.

'why would the great Harry Potter ever love a filthy ex death eater?' a voice whispered in Draco's head. It was right, why would he want to date Draco? Draco had bullied Potter and his friends for years; Draco had been a death eater he even still had the mark. It was only just recently that they could talk civilly to each other in classes. Harry would never even think of dating Draco. Draco had ruined his chances for even being friends a long time ago.

*The next day*

"Mister Malfoy, Mister Potter please stay behind." Professor Slughorn said as the class was getting ready to leave. It was the last class of the day and Draco just wanted to go to his room and sleep, he had spent all day watching Weasley throw herself at Potter any chance she got. It was disgusting to watch.

"Potter I'm not sure what has happened, but it seems like your potions skills are not what they used to be, no worries though because we happen to have a great potion maker right here isn't that right Mister Malfoy?" Professor Slughorn said before Draco could answer though he continued, "Malfoy my boy I would like you to pair up with Potter during class as well as tutor after class." Slughorn said smiling at the two boys.

"I'm sorry what was that sir? You want me to tutor Potter? Why can't someone else do it?" Draco asked, panicking a bit. Pansy and Blaise said it was becoming obvious that Draco had a thing for Potter and the only reason Potter hadn't noticed was because he was blind when it came to romance, hence why it took so long for Weasley to get her claws in him. If they were spending long amounts of time together working on potions, even a romantically challenged person like Potter would notice.

" Weasley and Finnigan also need some help, I was going to Weasley myself and have Granger tutor Finnigan, but I suppose if you really don't want to be paired with Potter, I could pair you up with one of them." Slughorn said. Draco thought about the one time those two were paired together and managed to melt a hole in the cauldron, table and floor.

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