SoulMates 2

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Draco nervously smiled at his reflection. He wore a white lace top that fanned out into a skirt with white pants underneath. His hair had been softly curled and pinned away from his face. A veil sat a top of his head, flipped up so Draco could get a better look at himself.

"You look stunning dear." Narcissa sighed wiping a tear away before it could ruin her makeup. She came up and brushed some invisible lint from Draco's shoulders, failing to hold back as tears escaped her eyes.

"Mother your makeup." Draco teased as his eyes filled with tears as well.

"I'm happy that you get to marry for love and not for power." Narcissa sighed giving Draco a small smile. Draco smiled back and gave his mother a hug.

"Sorry to interrupt but it's almost time Draco." Pansy said making them both jump. They quickly followed Pansy out to another room that had big double doors. In it stood Draco's friends, ready to walk down the aisle before Draco would be escorted down by his mother. Pansy and Hermione wore similar dresses, Pansy's was sliver and Hermione's was green. Blaise and Ron wore tuxes with similar colors to the dresses.

"Ready to get married?" Blaise asked giving Draco a supportive hug.

"I think so. Still can't believe all of this is happening." Draco nervously said letting out a small chuckle, if you had told his twelve-year-old self that one day he would be marrying the Harry Potter he would have had you committed to the physic ward but here he was getting ready to walk down the aisle towards Harry.

There was a gentle tap on the door and that was their cue to line up in order. The doors opened a minute later, and Ron and Blaise made their way out before the doors closed. After a few minutes they opened again, and Pansy and Hermione made their way out. Draco stood in front of the doors waiting his turn. Narcissa reached up and flipped the veil over Draco's face with a watery smile before tucking her hand into Draco's arm. The doors opened and they made their way into the hall full of family and friends. Draco noticed none of them though, his sliver eyes locked onto Harry who stood at the end of the aisle. If his mother didn't have a strong grip on his arm, he would have run down the aisle into Harry's arms but instead he slowly made his way down never taking his eyes off Harry. Before he knew it, he was right in front of Harry. His mother let go of his arm. Draco quickly gave her a hug before taking Harry's hand. McGonagall cleared her throat and started the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today..."

*Small time skip*

"I now pronounce you married you may now kiss." McGonagall said with a smile. The crowd cheered as Harry lifted Draco's veil and gave him a deep kiss.

"I love you Draco Potter." Harry whispered when he pulled away from the kiss.

"I love you too Harry Potter." Draco smiled.

The two grabbed hands and turned towards the screaming crowd. They made their way down the aisle their friends following close behind. The reception was a blur of congratulations and hugs. There were tears and laughter and lots of drinking and dancing.

"You don't have to carry me, you know." Draco laughed as Harry princesses carried him into their home.

"I know, but I want to." Harry grinned as he made his way up the stairs. Harry carried Draco all the way to their room and then gently placed him on their bed.

"Let me get out of my clothes first I don't want them to wrinkle, you should do the same." Draco said jumping up. Harry chuckled to himself, only Draco would think about clothes wrinkling when it was supposed to be their wedding night. None the less Harry started to careful removed his suit. He had to help Draco with his top as there were a ton of little buttons.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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