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Here is part three the last part to this little series, again all the characters are 18+, be nice in the comments, and I hope you enjoy. 

Draco unshrunk a box of his belongings. It had been three weeks since Hermione revealed to them that they were bonded. After Hermione and Ron had left Draco and Harry had sat down and basically professed their love for each other. The next day they had gone over to Draco's flat and started to pack things up. They were just going to leave it empty for a bit and then rent it out, but it turns out that Luna, Neville, and Ginny were looking for a place to live together. They worked out a deal and were moving in as Draco was moving out.

"Why do you have so many clothes?" Harry asked opening another box to find even more neatly folded clothes.

"Not all of us have the fashion since of teenage boy." Draco said pointedly looking at the jeans, shirt, and hoodie that looked like Harry had had them since he was a teenage boy.

"Did you just insult my style?" Harry growled playfully coming up to Draco and pulling him close.

"What if I did Potter. What are you going to do about it?" Draco asked smirking up at Harry. Harry growled a bit before claiming Draco's lips with his own. The kiss soon became heated, Draco felt Harry's hand travel down his back to cup his ass in a tight grip. Draco's hands were tangled in Harry's hair, slightly tugging, causing Harry to softly groan into Draco's mouth.

"Bloody hell, can't you two keep your hands off each other for a few hours?" Ron grumbled walking in with another box.

"Says the boy who got caught snogging Hermione around his family home more then once." Harry teased causing Ron's face to turn as red as his hair. He glared at Draco and Harry before putting the box down and leaving the room in a huff.

"So childish sometimes." Harry laughed letting Draco go with a peck on the lips before following Ron to sort through more boxes.

By the end of the day all of Draco's things were put away through out the house. He books were added to the library, his clothes hung next to Harry's in the closet. He even had some pictures of his mother and him on the mantel. The group sat in front of the fireplace, Harry and Ron were drinking some beers while Draco and Hermione sipped glasses of wine.

"So, tell me Draco, how did you become a vampire?" Hermione suddenly asked leaning her head against her husband's knee. She was sitting on the floor in front of Ron's chair warm and content.

"Well to make a long story short. I was pulled into an alley after leaving a gay club before I could do anything they slammed me against the wall, I blacked out for a moment, when I came to they had already bitten me, it was so painful that I passed out again. When I woke up, I was in the hospital. I had been out for two days." Draco said his head gently falling onto Harry's shoulder.

"Why were you at a gay club?" Ron asked suddenly finishing his beer and accepting another from Kreacher.

"Well this may come as a shock to you Ron but I'm gay. So, I was there to meet other gay guys." Draco replied sassily making Ron glare at him.

"So, you were there to hook up with someone?" Ron asked ignoring his wife's glare.

"Yes, Ronald I was there to hook up with someone, not all of us meet our lovers in school." Draco replied glaring back at Ron. He knew Ron didn't like him, but he at least thought that now that they were adults and he was mated to Harry he would be civil, but Draco started to feel like he was being interrogated.

"How did you get to the hospital?" Ron asked

"Seamus and Dean. They had been at the same club; they left a few minutes after me and happened to see me passed out and bleeding in the alley way. They got me to the hospital just in time from what the healers told me. If I hadn't gotten blood in me, I would have either just died or woken up as a vampire hungry and out of control. They visited me in the hospital, and we grew close." Draco said remembering their talking about being gay and coming out to family.

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