31 - Her Handsome Hero

Start from the beginning

"Bad dream?" Neal asked

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"Bad dream?" Neal asked.

"Yeah," They stood up and walked over to him, "It was nothing. Sorry, we fell asleep," Alana said.

"Yeah, sorry," Emma said.

"I'm glad you both did," Neal said and looked at them.

"It's not the best way to keep watch," Alana said.

"I've got it under control. Do you two realise this is the first time you've slept since we rescue you?" Neal said as he looked at Emma.

"I will sleep for weeks as soon as we defeat Hades, I promise," Alana said.

"I agree to that promise," Emma said.

They noticed a light flashing below, "That's the signal. They're ready," Alana said.

Alana, Neal and Emma made their way into the library where Regina, Amy and Leila were putting ancient lettering on the eleven doors to try and open it up, to get to Hades

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Alana, Neal and Emma made their way into the library where Regina, Amy and Leila were putting ancient lettering on the eleven doors to try and open it up, to get to Hades.

"Mom," The twins said and walked over to Mary Margaret and they hugged her.

"Oh!" She hugged back, "Is everything okay, girls?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Yeah. It's just good to see you," Emma said.

"When you're done hugging it out, girls, we can use a little help here," Amy said.

"So, this is what you've been working on all night. This is our new plan to defeat Hades and go home... A bunch of squiggly lines?" Neal said.

"Hades put one hell of protection spell on his elevator and these... Squiggly lines are the only way to crack it open," Amy said.

"Then hopefully that elevator will take us straight to him," Mary Margaret said.

"Maybe with surprise on our side, we can get a shot at him," David said.

"That's a lot of 'maybes' and 'hopefullys'," Killian said.

"It's all we have right now. Okay. Let's do this," Alana said.

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