[1.8] just the two of us

Start from the beginning

She nods, "Okay, I need you to warm up, make sure you're stretched, and meet me in Studio B in ten minutes. Don't be late," the girl demands.

Emily explains, "Eldon has amazing technique. I have amazing technique. I think we're really going to get it done."

Watching Emily walk to the other studio, Eldon turns and scratches his head, quite nervous due to the situation he was currently in and unsure of what to do now.

"I'm kind of in a bit of a dilemma," he elaborates.

Chloe walks over to Eldon, who was stretching and stressing. "Hey, Eldon," she smiles at him.

"Yeah?" he replies with a bit less enthusiasm.

"Did you want to be duet partners? I still don't have a partner," she asks.

The boy's eyes widen as he tried to form some sort of response, "Um... I... Uh..."

He looks like a deer in headlights as he mutters, "I've gone from, like, no duet partners to, all of a sudden, three girls wanting to be my duet partner."

He continues, "I... I can't. I can't do it," his words rolled out, as he walked away leaving Chloe looking a little confused in the middle of the room.

James, Maxie and West were by the storage boxes, talking about the upcoming duets as Eldon approaches them at an alarmingly speedy pace. "Yo, guys," he grabs their attention as he reaches his friends.


"Yo, yo."

"What's up,"

"I don't know what to do. I have two duet partners," he tells them.

Hearing his news, all three of their mouths drop open due to pure shock and amazement at how he got himself into this situation.

"Two?" James asks, making sure he heard correctly.

"Yeah," the blonde sighed.

Maxie furrowed her brows, "Who?" she asked.

Eldon looks to his feet, too embarrassed to make eye contact with the three, "Michelle and Emily," he mumbled.

West's eyebrows shoot up, "Man since when?"

"How did that happen?" James chimed in.

"How in the world did Eldon get two duet partners?" James asked, "He's probably the most awkward guy on the planet."

West adds, "Eldon has no clue. He never has, he never will."

"And with Michelle and Emily? He's literally setting himself up for drama," Maxie chuckles whilst lightly shaking her head.

West crossed his arms, "You know what, man? You've got to do what's right," he said, causing both James and Maxie to nod and hum in agreement.

"Well, what's right?" Eldon questioned.

James cut in, "I say you go for it with Emily, man. Trust me, I've got three sisters. I know the ladies," he adds with a smirk, causing Maxie to throw her hands up in defeat. "Yet again, I am a lad-"

She tries to finish the sentence but is cut off, again, this time by West, "No, no, that's not what I said at all. What's right is who asked you first."

Maxie scrunched her face up, "He's got a point, man. But honestly, I'd say just go with the person you'd most want to do the duet with. Just remember to tell the other person, yeah, don't lead them on."

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