Chapter 2-Home

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After saying goodbye to Dorothy I walked inside of my house. It was rather small compared to the others in the neighborhood, but it was the perfect size for us. I lived with my parents and little brother, though my mom was rarely home because of work. Speaking of which...

My mom opened the door for me before I even knocked. She was taking the day off since she'd caught a cold just the other day. It was quick to come and leave, but she wanted to stay away from work for another week, just in case. It was a bit of an overreaction, but she did work around plenty of people, so I guess it was better to play it safe than sorry.

"Hey, honey! How was school?" She greeted me.

"It was okay," I shrugged, walking into the house. I was met with my nine year old brother Cody jumping up into my arms-er, trying to. We ended up on the floor with him on top of me. Even at his age, he acted like he was six.

"Y/N! Y/N! Look what I made!!" He wove a paper crane in front of my face with a wide smile.

"Oh, looks nice," I said, brushing my h/c hair out of my face and standing up. Cody sat down and rubbed his nose, sniffling. Oh, right. I forgot to include who in particular got my mom sick. While she was quick to recover, my brother on the other hand..

"How was the day at home?" I asked, setting my bag down and sitting down at the kitchen counter.

"Cody is...not as much fun at home." My mom said. "Hopefully he gets better over the weekend so he's right back to school next week." Cody groaned when he heard the remark.

"But I don't wanna!!" He whined. I chuckled and headed over to my room, the sound of my brother's complaints fading away. I was about to plop onto my bed when I stopped myself. I put on a baggy shirt and sweatpants. Then I threw myself on top of the bed, snuggling into the pillows and blanket.

"My turn!" With my eyes closed, I didn't need to know who this was. I felt Cody bounce up and down on the bed, making me bounce slightly with him. As much as I wanted to relax, I didn't feel very comfortable when this kid could land on me at any time with me off guard. So I sat criss cross and pulled up my laptop. My English class was working on an essay about...whatever we wanted, really. We all got to choose our own topic. Clueless to what I would have to write, I started to research some ideas, playing my favorite song in the background.

I don't know how long it was until my dad knocked on the door. He was back from work.

"Knock, knock!" He said.

"Who's there?" I said, not looking up from the screen.

"DAD!!" Cody beat me to it, colliding with my dad's legs in a big hug.

"I wish you were that excited to see me." I heard my mom joke. I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, bringing my laptop with me.

"Watcha working on there?" My dad asked.

"Choosing a topic for my essay." I replied, tilting up the screen a bit so he could see what I had so far. He leaned over and read through my notes so far.

"Mhmm, mhmm......Oh! Robotics? That's great, cause me and the guys are headed over to the scrapyard tonight! Maybe you'd like to tag along in case we come up with something like that?"

"Nah, I think I'll be fine. Plus it's just an idea. I have a lot more to go through and I haven't even touched my own interests yet."

"Hey, your loss. So what's up for dinner?" My dad said, rubbing his hands together.

After dinner I was definitely stuffed. I laid down face first in the bed. My dad knocked on the door again. I didn't move from my spot.

"Hey you okay? You left before any of else finished dinner." He chuckled. I groaned in response, your voice still muffled by the pillow. "Just full?" I raised up a thumbs up. "Well, I'm gonna go to the scrapyard now, feel free to sleep in tomorrow since it's the weekend. Wonder what we'll find tonight! Bye N/N!" I raised my head up a little to say bye so he'd be able to hear. After that I rolled onto my side and pulled the blanket over my head. It wasn't even 7:30 at night and I was tired. So I pulled on pillow out from beneath my head and held onto it as my eyes drifted shut.

3rd POV

Y/N's eyes slowly forced themselves open. She wanted so badly to go back to sleep, but her body thought otherwise. She did feel well rested, though, so she kicked her legs over the bed and slowly stood up. After gathering her balance, Y/N slunk through the hall past her brother's room and into the kitchen. Maybe a quick drink of water would help gain focus. She grabbed a cup and started to fill it up with cold water. Y/N walked into the living room. Next to the door rested her dad's boots, still caked with mud, so she assumed that her dad was already home.


The h/c female stood completely frozen. The sound came from the basement. She walked towards a small doorway set in the corner of the living room and quietly stepped down the stairway. Y/N reminded herself that it could just be her dad down there. He usually went down there to tinker with things he found shortly after coming back from the scrapyard. But when

Y/N came to the final step, her hair stood on end. Her throat closed, holding back a scream.

Sitting in the center of room, in all of its glory, sat the metal bear from the yard.

Quick A/N:

Ok. The plan is to update this every couple days (no updates over the weekend unless we get lucky) and then those other days I'm gonna write the WoF AU.

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