"You weren't always," Belle said.

"Yes, I was. Even when I was a coward, I craved power. The only difference is, now I have it. And I won't let it go. Not again," Mr Gold said.

"Right. Not even for me?" Belle said.

"Belle, there's something you must realise," He took a deep breath, "Falling in love with the man behind the beast... Isn't really what happened to you. You fell in love with me... Because there was a man and a beast. Neither exists without the other," Mr Gold said.

"No. No. I...I can't condone you being like this. Not again," Belle said.

"Yes, you can. You just have to choose to. And if you do... We can have what's important... Family, happiness. It's your choice," Mr Gold said.

"No, I'm, uh..." She sniffled, "I'm not making any choices... Not now," She inhaled shakily, "Not until you get me back to our friends... And you've fixed... All of this," Belle said.

"Then that's what I shall do. But you'll see I'm right. You'll see," Mr Gold said.

Meanwhile, Mary Margaret and David were in line for the phone booth.

"I mean, how does this even work? I don't know how much time it gives us. Do we just talk, or... Oh! Maybe we should sing a little song. He likes our singing," Mary Margaret said.

"I don't think it really matters. I think it's just about Leo hearing our voices," David said.

"Yeah, but how does that work, anyway? Does it go directly into his ears? Does it repeat on a loop?" Mary Margaret said.

David turned to the man behind them, "Uh, excuse me. Do you know how this works I mean, on the other side?" David asked.

"No idea. I don't even know if the messages get through. I hope so. Or I've wasted a lot of time these past 30 years," He said.

"Alright, come on," David said and he guided Mary Margaret into the booth.

Mary Margaret took a deep breath, "Okay," She said and picked up the phone.

Elsewhere, Regina, Robin and Zelena were looking for Belle and Baby Hood in the woods.

"Before we find my daughter, would you do me the courtesy of sharing with me whatever horrid name you've saddled her with? Probably something dreadful like Brittany or Nancy or... Oh, God, not Marian!" Zelena said.

"Zelena... I haven't named our child because I need to know her first to find out who she really is, which I haven't been able to do because I've been too busy protecting her from you!" Robin said.

"You weren't protecting her at all! You just left her so you could go on some heroic quest. I mean, how is finding some Saviour more important than our child?" Zelena questioned.

"Helping friends, setting an example of heroism... That is important!" Robin said.

Regina turned and faced Zelena, "You know, Zelena, I used to be just like you," Regina said.

"Oh, please. Don't flatter yourself," Zelena said as she rolled her eyes.

"When I was the Evil Queen, I spent every day not giving a damn about anyone. And in return, no one... Cared about me. I thought all I needed was my vengeance to keep me warm at night. But then something happened. My enemies... Became my family. And that when I finally felt happy. That is why I'm here. Emma needs my help, Emma's a part of my family, and when family needs help, you step you," Regina said.

"In case you've forgotten, there is someone I love who need my help, my daughter!" Zelena sighed, "So if we could get on with finding her, that would be just brilliant!" Zelena said.

Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUAT || Double Swan #5]Where stories live. Discover now