Ch 8: Scars That Won't Heal

Start from the beginning

The complete bandage comes off to reveal a lot of scars on my hands and arm, including small burn marks and faint purple scars that look like cracks in my skin. Although the purple marks aren't as visible anymore... You can still see that something used to be there.

"... What happened...? Who did this to you?!" green asks in concern, holding my right arm carefully. "it was... Um..." I start.

Ugh i can't tell them! I want to! But-
I just CAN'T!
I need an excuse... Maybe... Yeah! That could work!!
Okay... Here goes...

"um... It was... The darkness... Fighting the darkness gave me most of my injuries... The ones on my chest are from the fight with rainbow void..." I tell them, while finding the ground particularly interesting right now. I mean. Look at that healthy soil...!

Ugh... Okay... Who am I trying to fool... It's just grass on dirt. It's not that special.

I direct my attention back to Green, only to realize that we've been sitting in an extremely awkward silence...

I didn't dare intervene the silence... But then finally green spoke, "... The darkness left many scars in this world... Towns were destroyed... Whole landscapes were corrupted and left nothing but a lifeless mark in the world..."

He paused.
... Where is he going with this...?

"But, all those scars can be fixed... Destroyed towns can be rebuilt stronger and better than ever, lifeless landscapes can be grow back with love and care... Beneath burnt ash, new life can grow..." Green paused again, still carefully holding my arm with one hand and tracing my scars with his other hand...and then he looked up at me.

We make eye contact as he continues with a smile...
" You're like this world, sabre. You have scars... Caused by darkness... And  just like this world, you can heal..."

I just look at him speechless.

"But sometimes this world needs a little push to help it heal. So do you, you can always tell someone if you're hurt... Trust me, sabre... You're someone's world... And they want to help." Green ends his speech and concentrates back on my hand.

I was still so caught of guard by his words that at first I didn't even notice that Greens eyes and hands started glowing a faint neon green.

I'm speechless... I don't know what to say... I'm pretty sure if I had eyes... I would be in tears right now... I never realized someone could think like that of me...

After a few minutes of thinking about what my friend said I realized that yellow was sitting next to me and I was leaning on his shoulder. Green Steve is still focused on my arm... He's trying his best to heal it but... Doesn't look like it's working all that much...

"...Not working out for ya, huh." I mumble, but still loud enough so Green can hear.

" not really working... I thought it would at least heal it up a little...I used to be one of the main healers in the old green steve village." Green steve said in a sad tone.

" It's alright... You tried your best, but... These scars don't heal... They only fade over time... But never truly disappear." I say as I put my hand on greens hand, which is resting on my arm.

"... Looks like it... At least let me help patching up the would on your side..." Green insisted, only for yellow to come into the conversation before I could answer. "no no. At least let us both help patching up your side." yellow said while looking at me with determination. "alright, alright... But only the open wound okay?" I give in to the two determination filled steve's... There's no other way to get these two to not be worried..

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