BotW!Link x Reader - Another Life

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You physically couldn't take it anymore. For years, in every life time this happened. Your cause of death remained the same, injury, pain, and exhaustion.

You were tired. You had learnt to take most of it, but to a point you just couldn't.

Being Link's helper gave you some unique abilities that others just didn't have, or frankly, want. Your primary job was to keep Link safe, and that meant giving your life up for him. This part was no problem, you were proficient in sword manipulation and archery. As was he.

But you made him think he was invincible.

In every life you have the choice of telling Link that you take his pain and cuts, bruises, and blows. But in every life you refuse.

If he knows, he can't do his job properly. And if he can't do his job, he dies. Along with everyone else.

These battles were worse. Link gave little care to the blows he took, seeing as they heal right away and don't have any pain. Whereas you, felt like your insides were being torn apart 24/7.

By giving him your energy, you take his pain and heal his wounds. There are no cuts other than the ones you received yourself. Just a searing pain in your limbs, head, or torso.

I'll be fine, you thought. I've done this in every life, I can do this.

Travelling with Link hurt. Emotionally and physically. He barely acknowledged you most times. You felt like a healing elixir he didn't know he was drinking.

Link could care less if a bokoblin knicked him. He couldn't feel it. Most times he would walk away after, emotionless. While it took you everything to hold back the string of curses hidden behind your lips.


Link's fight with Ganon had killed you. Almost. It took you weeks to wake. And when you did, Link looked happy.

His unbearable weight was lifted from his shoulders, and he could talk. You hadn't heard his voice.

"(Y/n), are you okay? What happened when I was fighting Ganon?"


Your answer was simple, and held a lot of meaning. You knew what happens now. You are no longer needed, your pain would slowly get worse, until you die.

Assuming your answer was to the first question, Link waited for you to continue. Until you got up from your bed.

"What are you doing you need rest! You look horrible!" Link spoke, trying to ease you back down.

"Thanks." You pushed his hands away, "I have something to take care of."

"It can wait, you need rest."

"No." Your tone was even and full of authority. Only to be broken by a coughing fit. As you lifted you hand to your mouth, you saw blood. Well that's new.

You pushed passed the hero searching for your boots.

"(Y/n) I'm sorry I was silent, is that why you're leaving?"

You ignored his words, pulling on your boots and heading for the door.

"You can't seriously be leaving."

"Watch me."

As you walked down the narrow path leading to a forgotten statue. This one was not like the others.

Link followed you on your mini-quest. How had he never seen this before?

This statue of Hylia depicted her standing, with her palm up as if to receive something.

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