Ch. 45 - Study Sesh (Reprise)

Comenzar desde el principio

Hunter decided the best day to go to Wisconsin was the weekend.  He would have the day to himself as Jaxon would most likely go to work.  That left him around eight hours to get to travel to Amet and find a portal and leave.

Packing would be easy as many of the things he'd need to survive the spirit world would help survive the edge of Hell.

Both were cold, the edge of Hell being the colder of the two and would need multiple layers.  He most likely would get away with a sweatshirt in the spirit world but would need a couple more layers to survive in Hell.  There was no reliable temp to go off of.

He had to pray to whatever primordial beings were watching him for him to find answers in Amet.  Hunter had no idea what he was even looking for, a portal?  A Spell? 

It wouldn't be any easy task making it to the city.  Not only was upsetting spirits a potential problem, but the many beasts that lurked in the shadow.

Some were friendly until provoked, like spirits.  But some would attack on sight.  Those being:





The list went on.

The spirit world wasn't exactly a friendly place.  At least not anymore.

Hunter didn't understand why Emrys loved it so much.  He guessed it made sense since the dude was huge and could probably take on most of the beasts with hand tied behind his back.

Emrys was such a strange dude.  Suspicious, kind, and strange.

Deciding to take a break from reading about the spirit world, Hunter got into bed.  It was time for his daily routine of scrolling through his camera roll at all of the photos Hunter and Zekaj took.

He hadn't gone through a lot of them until Zekaj was forced back to hell.  So often did Zekaj swipe his from sneakily from him and take a pic of one of them.  Zekaj had taken many selfies of himself on Hunter's phone.

One of Zekaj shirtless in the mirror.

One of him flexing.

One of him flexing again but with a more hunched over bodybuilder pose.

Multiple repeats of the same pose, including many different ones that Hunter wondered when he took since they spent so much of the day together.

There were multiples of the two sleeping too.  Ones Zekaj took while he was spooning him or just when Hunter had his eyes closed when cuddling.  He had even found a couple polaroids Zekaj had taken stashed away in his dresser next to the locked book.

Hunter must have dosed off as he jolted awake when he heard the front door slam shut.  Someone was home, but who exactly?

The human felt drowsy but he knew he should get up now or he'd be up the whole night.  His body pulsed in pain from the shattered bond as it usually did every couple of minutes.

Some of the pains were worse than others and he was slowly starting to get used to them.  Each little pain seemed to make him feel worse.  Every day he felt more tired and weak.  The tea from AJ slightly helped but not alot.

As Hunter left his room, he immediately heard yelling coming from the living room.  He sat at the top of the stairs and listened.

"You dare call our daughter a liar?"  He heard his mom say.  The screaming sure did help make out what they were saying.

"She did!"  Jaxon yelled back.  "Don't you understand?"

"She was right in the fact that Hunter was possessed!  How is that lying!"

"She lied because she didn't even think he had a demon in him!  She just wanted him gone and knew it would be easy to fake due to her boyfriend!  Neither one of them believed what they were saying Olivia."  Jaxon explained to her.

"Hunter still had a demon in him and was up to no good,"  Olivia said, her voice calming down.

"The demon was with him for months and nothing happened Olivia."

"You don't know that though.  Hunter could've been waiting to try and take the coven out from under us all!"  Olivia suggested.

"He's not some evil genius Olivia,"  Jaxon sighed.

"I'm just saying we don't know his goals.  Why summon a demon for anything other than personal gain?"  Olivia asked.

Jaxon didn't respond so she continued.

"I'm just saying we send Hunter off somewhere and make sure he's alright in the head.  Something always seemed off with the kid."

"There's nothing wrong with Hunter, sure he's quiet and keeps to himself but there's nothing wrong with that,"  Jaxon replied.

"It wouldn't harm anyone to just make sure."

"It'd harm Hunter!"  Jaxon said, his anger levels rising.

"I just want my family back Jaxon.  Hannah is not coming back until Hunter is gone and neither will I.  So you need to pick."

Hunter didn't hear a reply and soon watched as his mom passed by the stairs, not seeing him.  The door soon quietly shut.  Hunter sat on the steps not wanting to have to pick himself up.

He didn't expect for his dad to step forward and turn and see him sitting at the top of the stairs.

The two just stared at each other.  Neither saying the first word.  Until his father gave in.

"It'll be alright,"  Jaxon said.  His father gave him a slight smile before turning back around and leaving.

His father was strange.  He guessed the two had it in common.  Sometimes he liked to try and deny him and his father were alike at all.  But it was hard to ignore.

Both hated confrontation.  Kept to themselves, quiet.  Dirty blonde hair, brown eyes.  Tall.

Hunter just wondered if there was anything he was missing.  He felt just like himself, his father kept secrets.

Hey besties,

Things will soon be picking up. This chapter and the next are slight fillers but give more clues and hints that you might pick up on. Trust me, it'll be worth it.

What secrets do you think Jaxon could be hiding?

Thanks for everything,

sorry about the April fools joke lololol


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