28 - The Brother's Jones

Start from the beginning

"You're not doing nothing. You're the lookout," Alana said.

"Lookout?" Henry said.

"Don't argue with your mother," Regina said.

"But..." Henry said.

"Or your mother," Regina said.

Henry looked at Neal, "Dad," Henry said.

"I'm not getting involved with your mothers," Neal said.

Henry looked at Emma, "Same, kid, sorry," Emma said.

Neal, Regina and Liam walked in separate directions, whilst Killian, Alana and Emma go together in another, leaving Henry and Calla alone in the room.

"Last time you leave me behind," Henry took hold of Calla's hand, "Alright, pan. If you're in here, give me a sign," Henry said and Calla watched him quietly.

Liam managed to find the book. He opened it and tore at the pages with Hades's story in and pocketed them, "I'm sorry brother," Liam said quietly.

At Auntie's Diner, James and Amy were eating cheeseburger and fries.

Amy looked at him, "You know," James looked at her, "I never thought I'd ever see the day you would eat a cheeseburger... Mainly because you stabbed in the chest and never got cursed," Amy said.

"Well, it's not my go-to... How's my father?" James asked.

"Hates me, but the feeling has always been mutual... He...He's good, yep," Amy said with a nod.

"That's good," James said.

"Yeah," Amy said and ate a fry as she looked out the window.

"So, why did you erase my memory?" James asked.

"Because I wouldn't be allowed to leave otherwise, had to look out for myself and get to my brother, which I did a lot faster when I was engaged to you," Amy said.

"Yeah... I couldn't get you the bean, apologies," James said.

"I don't need your apologies, James, and to be honest and I don't want anything from you," Amy said.

"So tell me... You married your pirate," Amy nodded, "You've got a child with him?" Amy nodded again, "Why risk it all, just to come down here?" James asked.

"Because family is important, blood or not, everyone in my family is important to me and I will protect them," Amy said and James looked at her.

At the Sheriff's Department, Cruella and David were still inside, Cruella was trying to get him to drink the champagne.

"Come on. Drink you like a good boy," Cruella said.

David refused to drink, "I have to get up for an early patrol," Cruella scoffed and continued to kiss his face, "Fresh souls arriving. Always someone new to shake down," David said.

Cruella sighed, "Is Mummy boring you, James? Normally you're so much more enthusiastic when I come to visit you in your dungeon," She gasped, "Oh. Maybe we need to try spicing things up with a little hardware, hmm?" Cruella said as she picked up a pair of handcuffs before kissing him.

David pushed her off of him, "Does this act really work on him? Because, frankly, I find it repulsive," David said.

"Oh, boo! Couldn't you have pretended to be Jimmy a little while longer?" Cruella said.

David looked at her surprised, "Wait. You man all this time, you knew?" David said.

Cruella sighed, "Well, of course, I knew. I mean, you might look like him, but you have none of his unique, delicious damage," Cruella said.

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