Chapter 4 - last day on the train

Depuis le début

I brush off most of what he said not giving him the satisfaction of letting him know he hit a nerve "No still alive, and planning to kill you" I flash him a deadly smile

And with that he jumps on top of me pinning me down.

"Oh really" he mocks knowing a would never be able to push him off

We both laugh despite the situation and this could actually happen in The games. He rolls of laying beside me. Our feet on the pillows and heads on the end of the bed. I feel comfortable when his this close, it's weird. I can imagine winning with this boy.

"Together or not at all" I hear him whisper

Before I can ask him what he was talking about, he rolls so his propped up on his elbow, he starts talking about his training, and the adrenaline rush from volunteering. This morning in the academy with Ness feels like it was months ago. I listen intently taking in the words he says.

I must of drifted into a sleep because I'm awoke by a persistent knocking at the door, and Nimit barging in

"Rise and shi.." she cuts herself off, I look next me when I realise why. Cato has the same shock registering on his face. I gasp and roll off the side of the bed landing on the floor, I hear a laugh erupt from Cato, and then Nimit dragging him out the room by his shirt. Muttering to herself angrily.

I look into the mirror and my face is a deep shade of crimson. I want to crawl under my covers. I'm so glad there is no cameras on the train.

I walk into the shower room and realise I'm still wearing the clothes from yesterday and my buns half fallen out, I take it down and leave the clothes crumpled on the floor before I get in the shower. When I get out I take a while selecting my clothes, though the move into the next building isn't documented there will be captiol citizens eager to get a view of district 2 and I need to keep the reputation. I find a black silk dress like the one I wore on my first day it has a slit on the side and the material seems more expensive, I find a black pair of combat boots, they're not actually for fighting though they have red stitching contenting the rubber sole to the boot and embroidered red roses completed with thorny stalks rising up on the outside. I Dutch braid my hair on both sides. I look into the mirror quite impressed with myself.

I walk slowly to the main carriage, not wanting to see Cato and Nimit probably told the other two that we shared a bed last night, I ball my fists before pushing the door open, everyone's already in there in the same places as before but Nimit. Brutus sniggers and Enobria elbows him in the side. This confirms my fears they definitely know. Cato stays turns to look at me and smiles. I look forward determined not to catch his eye. His obviously having a fun time with this too.

In front of me there is a massive selection of foods and drinks, Brutus has a full cooked breakfast, bacon ,eggs, hash browns you name it. Enobria eats from a pile of toast with scrambled egg burying it. Cato just eats anything. I know why. We have all this food in two, but never this fine. The food from the capitol is the best quality.

I pour myself some black coffee, and instinctively go for a bowl of berries, I see Cato smile at the Berries. I remember the reason I like berries so much. Nevertheless berries are safe. I love them, so I don't swap them just to spite Cato. Ive always subconsciously choose berries since I met Cato.

"That's all your gonna eat" Cato crosses his arms.

It makes me mad his doing this in front of the mentors, they look up because the silence has been broken

"Oh well. You'll be easier to kill if your weak" he sighs before going back to his own food

I push the rest of my food away and get up from the table

"I could beat you any day" I snarl

Before Cato can answer back Brutus interupts

"Sit your ass back down" he voice is cool and commanding so I do as he says.
He pushes a pile of bacon in front of me, evebodys looking at me, like they're analysing my next move. In my hesitation, Brutus gets up and slams the table

"It's like the 70th games all over again!" He yells

I recall in the games our male tribute had died at the blood bath, this hardly ever happened. Annie Cresta had won that year. That was also the year we decided tributes should learn to swim. But it never happened, there's no body of water and even if they did build a pool, nobody would know how to teach to swim. Our tribute everyone thought he was real strong, he had washboard abs and a clearly defined body he was constantly praised for the fact he had the dream captiol look. And only now do I realise how.

I shovel the bacon into my mouth, this seems to calm Brutus a bit. He sits back down, as they all wait for me to finish.

"I'm not like him" I state "I'm strong"

And I believe it.

Brutus leans across to Enobria and whispers something in her ear. Her eyes dart between the two of us then she speaks:

"You'll be taken to the remake centre and there will be a team of people there" Nimit walks into the room in a frilly blue dress and a blond wig in the shape of a heart on her head and sits at the head of the table "your appearance is important, you need to take care of you body to get sponsors" she looks at me saying the last part "we Will make sure you do" she still looking at me, I don't know if she actually cares, or they just don't want to embarrass their district like they did in the 70th hunger games. Etheir way her stare makes me squirm in my seat. "They will tear you down and re-build you in the centre, and you need to let them, you've seen the results you know how good our stylist is. It's an honour to be here" she looks unconvinced by the last part. Which is weird, I've never really seen uncertainty on her face before.

The train pulls into a tunnel and pulls to a halt. The train from district 1 will be in front of us pulling into the station first, and then us going all the way down to 12 who will get off last. The room seems to cool almost instantly and I shiver from the coldness of the tunnel.

After sitting in awkward silence for a while the train jolts forward and sun beams are blinding. We both go to get up and get a look at the famous captiol.

"No" Brutus says "stay sitting, don't let them see you yet"

I don't know why he says this. But he knows what to do best I mean he is a victor. We hear cheers erupt from outside the carriage and Nimit pushes us all to the door she stands in the front centre, me and Cato in the middle and the two metors standing behind
We wait for the doors to open Enobria tells us what to do. She tells us to walk stright ahead to not smile, act like the captiol citizens are below us, which of course they're not, I'm so incredibly excited by the captiol I don't know how I won't smile.

As soon as the door open we hear people chanting our names and we walk like a small army through the crowds. Though I don't show I'm amazed by captiol everything is so bright even the sky looks artificial. The building glisten reflecting lights and the streets are clean and paved. And the road is smooth with several cars blocking it so we can walk across into the capitol. Being here is like a dream, a dream I never want to wake up from.

Clato : Till forever falls apart Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant