I cleared my throat, "Who are you actually going with?" I asked. She laughed, but covered her mouth. "What?" I asked, why was she laughing. "I lied, I don't actually have a date." She said. "Oh," I said. "Why do you care anyway, I already told you I didn't have a date." She questioned. "I-I, nevermind that." I said.
Why did I care? I knew I was jealous when he came up to her, it was obvious, and I wasn't gonna deny it, I was jealous. She only saw me as a friend now, but I wanted to be so much more. Like we used to be.


Y/n POV:

"Hurry up Angelina!" I yelled. She had been in the bathroom fixing her makeup for so long. "Alright wit a damn minute!" She yelled back. I chuckled and leaned against the door frame. I was wearing (Choice of dress)

And I thought I looked very good in it, Angelina even said I looked good

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And I thought I looked very good in it, Angelina even said I looked good. Angelina herself looked hot, her dress flowed just under her knees, and the color matched her very well. "I'm ready." She said, stepping out of the bathroom. I smiled and opened the door for her, "Why thank you." She said. I rolled my eyes as we walked down the stairs. Plenty of people were in the common room with their dates, others were on the couch in regular clothes, deciding they weren't gonna go. "I'm gonna go meet Lee." She told me. "Go ahead." I replied, she smiled and walked out of the common room, making her way towards the ball room. I sat in the common room, not wanting to go down yet. "Y/n you look nice." Katie Bell said, "Oh thank you." I said, "You as well." She smiled, "Not really, I just took-" I looked at the girl going on and on. Why couldn't she just take the compliment? Not trying to sound rude, but- you know what, nevermind. "Who's your date?" I asked, "Me."
George slid next to Katie, wrapping an arm around her. "Finally got the girl?" I asked, "Yup." He replied with a smile. "We should get going, see you down there." George said, giving Katie a kiss on the cheek.

I sat in the common room for another couple minutes drinking until I decided if I drank anymore I'd be drunk. I threw away my cup and walked down. "Why don't you two look great." I said to Cedric and Adrian. "Tonight's the night." Adrian said. "Everyone's gonna know, I'm so excited!" Cedric said happily. "Y/n!" I turned and saw Harry coming towards me, "What's wrong, are you hurt?" I asked. He smiled, "No, just I need you to walk me out." He told me. "Wait what?" I asked confused. "Parvati went with Lavender and Padma went with Ron. Just walk me out will you!" He exclaimed. "Someone needs a nap." I said sarcastically. "Piss off, now come on!" He said pulling my arm. I waved to Cedric and Adrian who laughed.

"Alright so what am I doing?" I asked again. "You're gonna walk with me and do one dance, then after that you can leave alright?" I rolled my eyes, "Alright, but only because you're the chosen one and I want your will when you die." I said, he shook his head. "If anything you're dying before me." He told me. "Says the one who's had a crazy dark lord after him every year here." I replied.

(After the dancing and announcing shit, because I'm lazy)

I was currently sitting in between Harry and Ron. "Can you believe it! Krum, out of everyone." Ron exclaimed. "You're just jealous." Harry told him. "Am not!" Ron said. "Mhm, check again." Harry told him. "Why are you so sassy?" I asked Harry with a small chuckle. He shrugged and got up, "I'm going to get a drink, don't ask for one because I'm not gonna get you one." He said cheerfully. "Why don't you ask Hermione to dance?" I asked Ron. "She'll say no. She's too busy with Krum." He replied. "I don't even like her that way." He added, "You sure?" I asked. "Of course, friends, only that, nothing more. When being friends with someone for so long, you can't see each other differently." He explained looking at his lap. "That's not true, look at me and Fred, we've been friends for a long time and we dated. Even though it didn't work out, at least we know now and we're still friends." I told him.

"Your right," Ron said standing up. "I'm gonna go ask her!" He walked over to her and started talking which ended up with a fight.

"Wanna dance?" I looked up and saw Fred. "Just once?" He asked, I smiled and took his hand. As he spun me onto the floor. "Now don't try anything, remember, we're just friends." I told him. He chuckled and put his hands on my waist. "Don't worry love, I'll  be a perfect gentleman."

Happy Easter!

Question: Favorite type of book?

My answer: Enemies to Lovers or Poetry

Falling Harder- Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now