27 - The Brothers Jones

Start from the beginning

Liam looked at her, "Hello, more questions for me?" Liam asked.

"No, uh, I just wanted to let you know we got Emma out of Hades hold," Amy said.

"That's great news," Liam said.

"And I think it's time you see Killian," Amy said.

"I can't," Liam said and walked past her.

"Don't you want to move on?" Amy turned around, "Meet your niece?" Liam stopped walking, "See the two remaining Jones? Your family," Amy said.

Liam looked at her, "Where's Killian?" Liam asked and Amy smiled at him.

Inside, Alana's and Neal's home, Alana, Neal, Killian and Emma were inside and Alana removed a sheet from the sofa in the living room.

Alana turned to Emma, "Come sit down," Alana helped her over to the sofa, "Let me take a look at you," Alana said.

"Are you sure you want to? Hades made me into the stuff of nightmares," Emma said as she groans as she slowly lowered herself onto the sofa.

Alana sat next to her, "No one's that powerful," Alana said.

"We'll give you both some space," Neal said and he and Killian walked out of the room.

Alana waved her hand over Emma, healing her and restoring her clothes, "Em-," Alana began to say and Emma looked away from her, "W-What is it?" Alana asked.

"It's just, um... A lot has happened," Emma said.

"What's the problem?" Alana asked.

"I'm the problem, sis," Emma stood up and began pacing in front of her angrily, "You were the Dark One for six weeks and only gave in to the darkness out of your love for me. I plunged in headfirst in a second out of my anger towards Gold! I was weak!" Emma said angrily.

"Not in the end," Alana said.

"You were being torn from Neal and Henry because of me! I don't deserve to be called a Saviour," Emma said.

"Of course you do," Alana stood up and took hold of her hands, "It's my fault what happened to you, and I have to live with that. What you did, was my fault... Yes, you hate Gold, I do too... But what I did, who I turned you into, it's my fault," Alana said.

"I hate control over myself and I still dug a hole for myself. Hook was right, the darkness creeps up on you and Regina was right, by saying it's hard to get out of," Emma said.

"Emma, if you really were a lost cause as your words are making me think you believe you are," Emma looked at her, "I wouldn't be here, no one would be here. If you're not to be a Saviour, I wouldn't have come all the way down here to try to save you," Alana said.

"That's my point," Emma pulled her hands from Alana's I'm not sure I deserve saving," Emma said.

"What are you saying, that you want to stay down here?" Alana asked.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Alana looked surprised, Neal and Killian walked out of the kitchen.

"I've got it," Neal walked over and opened the door, "Hi. Can I..." Neal said as he looked at Liam.

Liam looked at Killian, "Killian," Liam said.

"Liam?" Killian said surprised.

"Your wife told me where I could find you," Liam walked into the house, "After all these years, my little brother is finally here," Liam said.

"Never say that to me," Alana whispered to Emma.

"Never," Emma whispered.


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