"So you want to talk to him," Mr Gold said.

"Yeah, so I can really apologise to him," Milah said tearfully.

"He'll forgive you. I betrayed him, as well, a lot of times. He re-entered my life, and he forgave me and keeps trying to build something, but I always fail," Mr Gold said.

"That hasn't changed," Delilah said.

"At least I don't try to kill him," Mr Gold said.

"No, you try to kill his family, his love and deny it all... At least I owned up to what I did," Delilah said.

"So what is your unfinished business?" Mr Gold asked.

"Not being the aunt I always wanted to be... Not being able to serve my realm with honour. I'm here because I deserve to be here," Delilah said.

"I never thought I'd hear that come out of your mouth," Mr Gold said

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"I never thought I'd hear that come out of your mouth," Mr Gold said.

"I'm here for Delphinia's friends and family, you're here because... I'm guessing you lied again to your wife?" Delilah said and Mr Gold glared at her.


Fendrake was asleep and Rumpelstiltskin snuck in with the dagger. Instead of killing Fendrake as Milah told him to, he decided to just search for the potion that could save Baelfire and he accidentally woke Fendrake up.

Fendrake inhaled deeply, "Who's here?" He saw Rumpelstiltskin and recognised him, "You. I can kill you with a single spell," Fendrake said.

"Oh, I-I don't need a spell. I've got a knife! Rumpelstiltskin said as he pulled out the dagger and moved towards Fendrake but he doesn't strike.

"Then do it," Fendrake said.

Rumpelstiltskin toiled over it for a few moments but he couldn't bring himself to kill him, "I can't. I just can't," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Of course not," Fendrake said.

Fendrake got off his bed and Rumpelstiltskin sat down as Fendrake got him a glass of water and handed it to Rumpelstiltskin.

"Thank you," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"How much does your son mean to you?" Fendrake asked.

"Everything," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Fendrake held the potion out to Rumpelstiltskin, "Then you can leave here with the cure," Fendrake said.

"But I-I-I-I don't have any gold. I've just got a knife," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"There will be a terrible price to pay, but not in gold. If you're interested... We can make a deal," Fendrake said.

Darkness [Neal Cassidy || OUAT || Double Swan #5]Where stories live. Discover now