"Oh." She looked momentarily disoriented, like she was struggling with words. She snapped her mouth open and shut a few times, her cheeks puffing up and deflating simultaneously." I'm only here to prove you wrong."

"Please." I rolled my eyes." There's no way I'm falling for that."

"I'm serious." She pouted, feigning annoyance." I made her resign so I'd be able to prove to you that I'm more than capable of being your TA."

"Uh-huh," I nodded, the gears in my head turning." You're just here because you can't stay away from me."

"Again with the stupid talk." She hissed." Are you this egotistic?"

"Not really." I smiled mischievously, straining the buttons of my shirt hoping it would catch her attention and it did. Her eyes lingered for a moment before she seemed to snap herself out of her reverie and she looked away, trying desperately to hide the red hue tinging her cheeks." It's usually just when I'm right."

"Asshole." She jumped down from my desk, heading to Penny's office. I mean her office now." If you need anything, just holler."

"I kinda need your help now." I purred, grabbing her and spinning her till she was within my reach. My hand grazed her waist slightly and I felt her shudder under my touch.

I expected her to pull back or even punch me in the guts, but she didn't. If she did, I definitely wouldn't be surprised because she was a ticking time bomb.

"Diane." My eyes flicked to her lips which were quivering. Probably from excitement, anticipation, or even rage." You, I..."

I never got to finish my sentence as my phone blared from my pocket, causing us both to jump apart.

"I should leave now." She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. As if reading my thoughts, she raised a finger to my face menacingly." And don't call me, I change my mind."

"Stupid phone." I cursed the moment she slammed her door shut. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone , not pausing in my monologue. " You just had to ring at that time, didn't you? You could have waited at least five minutes or one hour even, but no..."

"No." I tossed the phone as faraway from me as I could. It landed deftly on my swivel chair, a few more inches and I'd been cursing on my way to get a new phone." What in the world?"

"No no no." I shook my head so much I was sure I'd be seeing stars any moment from now." It can't be. It just can't."

With my heart thumping loudly against my rib cage, I made my way towards the phone. It lay still and unmoving, its brightened screen daring me to inch closer and confirm the text notification at the top. I took off my glasses and peered into the phone's screen. Maybe, just maybe, I'd been cured of my myopic disorder and my eyes were now playing tricks on me, but unfortunately for me, nothing changed. The damned words taunted me through the screen.

"It's been a while, son." I read out loud, my voice thickening with emotion at what he'd called me." Really? That's it?!"

It'd been three years since we last spoke since we'd seen each other and we didn't exactly part ways amicably. I'd tried to shut him out of my life and it worked, or it was working rather until I got his damned text message.

He only remembers I existwhen he needs something...

"Are you going to ignore me, son?" I read out another message of his." It's me, your Pops. I really need to talk to you."

"Of course you do," I muttered, red spots clouding my vision. I switched off the technological device that had successfully ruined my entire day without even doing anything and tossed it into my drawer. I didn't want to think about it yet. I had other important things to try to figure out.

Like what.  A voice pooped up in my head. Or who rather?

Not you again. I mumbled. I was losing my mind and my very strong grip on my sanity was slipping from my fingers.

But the voice in my head was actually right. Someone else had somehow managed to weave herself onto the tiny list of things I actually cared about. Ever since, the death threat against Diane by the stalker, I had an innate feeling to protect her. I barely knew her and she was still a mystery to uncover but that wasn't going to stop me.

Glancing at her door, I promised myself I'd do anything to keep her safe, even if I had to risk my life to do it.

It's me again 😏
I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter 🥺♥️

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ILY 🥺♥️😍

Any ideas as to why Maxim doesn't want to listen to his fath??

Let me know in the comments section ♥️

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