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I wasn't going to waste more time than necessary in his office today, not after what happened last time. I was just going to go in there, do what I'm supposed to do and get out again. Easy peasy. Right?

I cringed, mentally replaying the events of our last meeting,  over and over in my head as I walked down the now familiar hallway of the teacher's block on campus. I was currently on my way to the hellspawn's office to complete my newest assignment. That should be his new nickname; it suits him really well.

It'd been a week since our last argument and the whole Chief saga happened and Maxim hadn't been in school either. After the mini accident, he was admitted to the hospital. Chief briefed me on what had happened and it wasn't exactly nice.

The  agent with him that night unfortunately didn't make it. Maxim on the other hand, escaped with a little gash to the side. If it were up to me, I'd have driven a bullet straight into the bastard's heart without even flinching. Everything in my life had been going haywire ever since he walked right back into it after that night. If I had my way, I wouldn't get to see him again, but part of Chief's orders was to guard him even while he was in the hospital, which I did.

And not with the purest of hearts, mind you.

"Come in." He grunted immediately I knocked on his double doors." Who's there?"

"Your favourite person." I beamed taking in his sour expression. I knew being annoyingly cheerful would rile him up so that's what I did. And it worked, because his scowl deepened the moment he laid his eyes on me." What's up Prof?"

"What are you doing here?" He growled. Literally." I'm not supposed to take your class today."

"How sweet of you to think I came to remind you of your duties." I smirked smugly, plunking casually into the seat opposite his desk. While sitting, I took a good look at the hellspawn in front of me.

He was wearing his signature hairstyle and his glasses perched loosely on the bridge of his nose. His blue orbs on the other hand, seemed brighter today. His deep blue shirt had some buttons undone with both sleeves rolled halfway upwards, giving me a good view of his strong muscular arms. His shirt wasn't tucked in to his pants because his shirt was  bunched up on his right side, exposing an injury and part of his six pack spilled out from the open fabric. My eyes involuntarily skidded lower to where his torso made a v way further down. My cheeks heating up in embarrassment, I jerked my focus back to his face and of course, the idiot was smirking.

"Why are you here then?" He grinned, his dimple popping out." You want another go...."

"Please stop." I shut my eyes immediately, trying my hardest to wash away memories of that night." Just stop."

"Or what?" He cocked his head to the side, his eyes searching my face for any sign of a threat. I peeped open and his face was dangerously close, mischief dancing in his eyes. He must really think I can't hurt him.

If only he knew. I sighed.

"I'll do this." I purred, biting down on my lower lip and pulling it in gently. I watched his Adam apple bob up and down as he swallowed immediately, his tongue running over his lips.

We stared at each other in anticipation, at least waiting for one person to make a move. I watched his gaze flick from my face to my lips continuously, as if asking for permission. Slapping myself out of the trance his eyes seemed to pull me in,I made a beeline for his side and poked him directly where he was hurt.

"Are you mad!?" He yelped out of my face in pain, his breath smelling faintly of mint and scotch. " What'd you do that for?"

"That was a warning." I said in between a laugh and a frown." Don't ever tease me again."

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