Baylis continued to scream and choked up black blood. Thea felt Emori grabbing her hand.

Thea turned away and put her head on Murphy's chest as she didn't want to watch Baylis splatter black blood everywhere.

Baylis screamed once more before going still. The monitor Abby was watching let out a flatline. Baylis was dead

"What have we done?" Abby said

. . . . . .

"How's the weather Reyes? Forecast still calling for death?" Murphy asked as they all watched the screen that showed the death wave heading towards them

Thea turned to Murphy and said, "You never shut up do you."

Murphy smirked and said, "Make me sweetheart."

Thea took a step closer to Murphy, and looked up at him, "Maybe I will."

"As much as I love you two together we don't have time for this." Emori said, "They're gonna test someone else."

Thea shook her head, "We won't let that happen, we won't let you die. Right John?"

Murphy nodded, "Damn right."

"Abby take a look at this." Jackson said

Abby moved over to Jackson and looked at what he was looking at and said, "Of course."

"What is it?" Clarke asked

"Sodium polyethanol sulphonate." Jackson said as if everyone in the room knew what that meant

Murphy leaned over to her and whispered, "Now you know how everyone feels when you and Raven are talking engineering."

Thea nodded as she turned back to listening to Jackson, "It's an additive used to prevent clotting. Looks like the radiation broke it down and caused a chain reaction."

"What happens if we remove it?" Clarke asked

Abby nodded and said, "We could save everyone."

Murphy spoke up saying, "You could? So you're saying this can still work?"

"Not without testing." Abby replied

Raven didn't like the idea as she said, "The last guy just died, screaming in agony and you want to try it again?"

Clarke looked Raven and said, "Give us a better idea, Raven please."

"So what, we just go out there and hunt for somebody else?" Murphy asked

Thea looked over and saw Emori looking more and more nervous.

Miller shook his head and said, "No one's going anywhere in this storm."

"Then we wait for it to pass." Murphy said

Roan looked up and said, "When the storm passes, there may not be anyone left to hunt for."

Thea scoffed and said, "Hunting for people to kill, what is wrong with you?"

Luna nodded and said, "Thea is right. Even Baylis honoured the dead. He wore the stones of his rock line ancestors. Who will honour him?"

"Wait, Baylis was Sangedakru." Clarke said

Emori then spoke up saying, "He was, he was also a thief he probably stole those stones."

Roan looked confused as he said, "A thief who didn't bear the mark of Sangedakru."

Clarke then realised the same thing that Roan did, "That wasn't Baylis was it."

Sinclair (2)- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓭Where stories live. Discover now