Chapter 52 (Year 6)

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River's POV

I walked down from the girl's dorms, finding Draco waiting for me in the common room later that night, with Crabbe and Goyle. I looked at him, confused.

"Why are they here?" I whispered to him, as he stood up, he had been sitting on the green couch.

"They need to be here. They are going to guard the room were staying at." 

"Won't it be suspicious?" I asked, as he started walking us out of the common room.

"I have a plan," He smiled. I looked at him nervously as he shrugged.

We walked up to the seventh floor, opposite of the tapestry of Barnabas. Draco stopped us in the middle of a hall.

"Stand here," He said, before walking across the hall three times, when a small door appeared.

"What is that?" I asked.

"The room of requirements, it's where no one will find us, and I can work on the cabinet," He said, before turning to look at a confused Crabbed and Goyle.

"And what do you need us for?" Crabbe asked.

"Well, you two can watch guard for us," Draco answered.

"Won't it be suspicious?" Goyle asked,

"Yeah, Draco. You can't have two slytherin's standing here without someone wanting to know why there here." I said, looking down the hallway.

"Well, not if they drink some Polyjuice potion," Draco pulled out two viles from his pocket, handing one to each of them. 

"Who are we turning into?" 

"Well, it's two little girl's DNA I got off from the muggle town close to home," 

"Girls?" They both grunted. Draco rolled his eyes, scoffing.

"Do it, it's not that big of a deal,"

"Yeah, easy for you to say, we have to turn into girls," Crabbe hissed, wanting Draco to take the vile back. Draco pulled his left sleeve up. They both froze, even with their harsh features you could tell there was fear in on their faces, knowing that there was no way out of drinking the polyjuice potion now.

"Will you say no now?" He smirked.

"Fine, doesn't mean we have to like it." They both opened the bottles, looking even smaller in their hands and downed it. They both froze, cringing as they started changing into small first year girls.

"You look adorable," Draco smirked.

"Shut up!" They both yelled in their tiny girl voices. I pursed my lips not to smile as Draco and I walked into the room. A cabinet, just like the one at the shop, stood on the left side of the room. A bed stood on the other side, with pajamas for both of us.

"We sleep here?" I asked, picking up my Slytherin green shorts and shirt.

"Well, yeah, we could work on this all night, and not worry about going back." He walked up to a small table that had stacks of books on top.

"You can change, I'll come to bed in a bit," He said, sitting down at the table. I shrugged off my robe and started changing into the thin pajamas.

"Did you ask them to get the shortest pajamas?" I asked. He laughed.

"Maybe." I rolled my eyes as I crawled into the bed, pulling the covers close to me, and smiled, closing my eyes.


I woke up for what felt like a couple hours later, with Draco's arm pulling me towards him.

"What time is it?" I asked, opening my eyes slowly and turning to face him.

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