Chapter 67

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River's POV

"Oh my Merlin, it's my worst dream come true," Draco whispered as they came into view. There were about seven or so Harry's into view. Some on broomsticks, a couple on thestral and one in a sidecar on a motorbike.

"Oh, don't worry, Draco, I'll protect you, "I joked as I pulled my wand out of my pocket. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Let's go," He said, as we started to fly closer. I flew closer to the first two I saw.

"Stupefy!" I yelled, pointing my wand at them. They dodged it but just barley,

"Immobuls!" One yelled, it flew past my head.

"Petrificus Totalus!" It flew a little to the side. I didn't have to heart to aim correctly as I tried to get the other death eaters to think I did.

"Good lord, Women. Your trying to kill us!" I widened my eyes,

"George?" He got too distracted, as both Harrys lost control of their broom. Then something hit George on the ear, and they started falling.

"No!" I yelled, as Snape came into view,

"Snape that was, George!" I said, hoping he only heard it. His frown depended as he looked down at where they were falling.

"No," He whispered,

"Not now, let's just go!" I yelled.

"Expelliarmus!" I heard someone yell. We both turned on our brooms seeing the one on the motorbike pointing his wand at a death eater.

"That's him, it's him, it's the real one!" Another yelled. We all turned to face the real Harry before our marks started burning, and we all apparated away. He wanted Harry alone.


"We've lost him tonight," Voldemort said, as he came back into the Malfoy manor. He threw Lucius's wand on his face.

"You can have your useless wand back, Lucius! The Potter boy is still alive." He spat. Lucius picked up his wand, relived, and held it close to his chest.

"The wedding is soon, we will attack then." He said, before walking away.


"Draco, I really don't want to crash this wedding." I said, shaking my head. Draco signed, rubbing his head.

"I don't want to ether,"

"Fleur will never forgive me." Draco swung an arm around me, smiling.

"You know we could have our own wedding night." I shrugged him off, rolling my eyes.

"Let's go, we can talk about this later."

"So that's not a no?" He said,

"Come on." I pulled on his arm as we got on our brooms.


The Burrow, where I had spent my last Christmas at, came into view. There was a large tent in the backyard where Bellatrix cut through the tent. Loud screams were heard as people started running everywhere.

Draco and I landed in the middle of the room. I made eye contact with Fleur, who looked horrified to see me as I took out my wand.

"Stupefy," I yelled at a random direction. It hit a random guest who fell to the ground with a loud grunt. I could feel the hatred of every person who gazed at me. I knew they hated me, for lying, for protecting Draco, for wanting to kill Dumbledore, but they don't know the truth and never will.

The Forgotten Potter- Draco MalfoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora