Chapter 61 (Year 6)

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River's POV

"So, all in all, not one of Ron's best birthdays?" Fred asked as we all sat around Ron's bed. He laid in the hospital wing, unconscious, looking paler than usual. I sat next to Harry, feeling relieved that I had not killed Ron Weasley. 

"This isn't how we imagined handing over our present," George said, sadly putting his present on the side of Ron's bed.

"Yeah, when we pictured the scene, he was conscious," Fred explained.

"There we were in Hogsmeade, waiting to surprise him —"

"You were in Hogsmeade?" Ginny asked.

"We were thinking of buying Zonko's, A Hogsmeade branch, you know, but a fat lot of good it'll do us if you lot aren't allowed out at weekends to buy our stuff anymore.... But never mind that now." Fred explained,

"How exactly did it happen?" Fred asked. 

"Well, we were sitting in the boys dorms and then he ate some chocolates that had a love potion, and suddenly he was crazy about this one girl, I don't remember her name, but then we took him to Slughorns where he gave him an antidote and then he gave us a drink he was going to give Dumbledore, Ron drank it first and-" I pausd, looking over at Ron, glancing at his chest, making sure it was still rising before continuing.

"... and then I got the bezoar down his throat and his breathing eased up a bit, Slughorn ran for help, McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey turned up, and they brought Ron up here. They reckon he'll be all right. Madam Pomfrey says he'll have to stay here a week or so... keep taking essence of rue..." Harry finished for me, noticing I was having trouble finishing the story. 

"Blimey, it was lucky you thought of a bezoar," George said, running a hand through his hair.

"Lucky there was one in the room," Harry whispered. Hermione sniffed as she sat closest to Ron, her eyes red, and her face pale.

"Do Mum and Dad know?" Fred asked Ginny.

"They've already seen him, they arrived an hour ago — they're in Dumbledore's office now, but they'll be back soon...."


Hermione and I sat in the stands of the Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff match. The scarf Hermione had given me to show my, 'Gryffindor sprit,' on the stands by my lap, not wanting to wear it, even if my neck felt like it was going to freeze off. 

"And that's Smith of Hufflepuff with the Quaffle. He did the commentary last time, of course, and Ginny Weasley flew into him. I think probably on purpose, it looked like it. Smith was being quite rude about Gryffindor, I expect he regrets that now he's playing them — oh, look, he's lost the Quaffle, Ginny took it from him, I do like her, she's very nice...." Luna Lovegood said, speaking into her wand, Professor McGonagall's face was very red, as she eyed Luna, probably regretting her decision.

"... but now that big Hufflepuff players got the Quaffle from her, I can't remember his name, it's something like Bibble — no, Buggins —"

"It's Cadwallader!" 

"This is going horribly." Hermione said, shaking her head her eyes on McLaggen, the temporary keeper in place of Ron, as he yelled at his teammates again.

"But that was hilarious!" I said.

"Hufflepuff's going to win another match, aren't they?" She asked.

"Well, I wish this was my match, damn I would have won." I commented,

"I'd specifically aim for McLaggen's head." 

"That's not helping!" Hermione yelled, even though the corner of her mouth twitched up, almost into a smile.

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