Chapter 71

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River's POV

I was forced to sit downstairs in the living room as they listened to the radio. I glared at the ground as there was a knock on the door. They cut the radio off quickly as Mr. Weasley stood up.

"Who's there?" He asked,

"It's Remus John Lupin!" He yelled, quickly.

"I am a werewolf, married to Nymphadora Tonks, and you, the Secret-Keeper of Shell Cottage, told me the address and bade me come in an emergency!" Mr. Weasley opened the door quickly as Lupin came in, smiling.

"What brings you here, Lupin?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Tonks! She had the baby!" He squealed. Mrs. Weasley gave him a big hug.

"Oh! How wonderful! Congrats!"

"Thank you!" The twins clapped him on the back.

"We'd love to babysit, we want to try some new baby friendly products!" Fred said,

"Defiantly not," Remus laughed, as everyone else surrounded him.

"River, don't you want to congratulate Remus?" Mrs. Weasley asked. Lupin widened his eyes. Just realizing I was in the room.

"Congrats Remus," I said,

"River!" He said, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry, James and Lilly would never forgive me, for what I let you do." He whispered,

"Since when has Tonks been pregnant?" I asked,

"Since that wonderful night they-"

"Fred!" Mrs. Weasley yelled. The twins giggled evilly.

"Is it a boy or girl?" I asked,

"A boy! We've named him Teddy, for her father." He explained.

"Is he like her? Can he change?" Ginny asked,

"Yeah, his hair has been changing colors already!" Remus smiled.

"Aw! How adorable!" Mrs. Weasley laughed.

"Ginny, Tonks want you to be his godmother," He said. I swallowed the lump in my throat. As she smiled and nodded.

I knew it; they did hate me. If I wasn't a death eater, he would have asked me.


Ginny came into my room late at night as I ate dinner alone again. I ignored her as I poked at my food.

"Why would you betray him?"

"I'm getting tired of having to explain myself, just let me eat my dinner in piece." I hissed,

"Do you know what you caused at the school when you let the death eaters in?" I poked at my food again, ignoring her, again.

"The death eaters, hurt the children, they torture us. But your friends are all fine, they never get into any trouble! Why would you become a death eater?"

"Ginny, don't you think that I know! Merlin! Do you know how many people have asked that! I'm so tired of you all! Harry Potter the savior while his stupid sister joined the death eaters right!" I yelled. I grabbed my plate of food and smashed it against the window. Ginny looked at me shocked,

"Get out Ginny! Out!" I screamed. She ran out just as Mrs. Weasley came walking in.

"Get out!" I yelled at them. Mrs. Weasley grabbed Ginny's arm, pushing her out of the room as I threw a picture frame against the wall.


Mrs. Weasley knocked on my door.

"Yes?" I asked, in a tone hoping it didn't sound annoyed.

"You've seen them? Right?" She asked as she laid me down a pair of new clothes.

"Yes, I have,"

"How are they? Are they alright?"

"If they don't want you to know, then I shouldn't say anything ether." She sniffled.

"You haven't seen your mother in more than a year? Correct?"

"Yeah," I answered, staring out the window.

"Well, then you should now, how much you'd want to know if your mother was safe." I signed,

"Please, I just need to know."

"Hermione's hair has gotten longer, she's a little thinner, but she still looks pretty. She's been even more obsessed with Ron. I could tell she was a little mad at him. Harry's hair had gotten longer. It looks uneven, someone's been cutting it horribly. His clothes are even baggier than normal, his face is a little more defined, and he seems exhausted. Ron looks like he's grown a little taller. His hair is messy, he had dark circles under his eyes. I don't think, they've been sleeping well. He's gotten a little thinner and is even more protective of Hermione then before." I answered,

"Thank you." I nodded as I turned away and looked back out the window again. I pulled my sleeve back up. My arm was red. It had been burning for days now. I needed to go back, and they weren't going to let me.


I heard the door creak open around midnight. I carefully opened my eyes, seeing Mrs. Weasleys closing the door behind her. I sat up slowly, the knife I had stolen from dinner still in my hand. I cut the thick ropes as best as I could.

After ten minutes, I ripped them off and stood up. Carefully tip toeing out the bed. The door was locked, I signed,

I should have known.

I trudged back upstairs, opening the first door I saw. Ginny laid sleeping on the bed. She was a heavy sleeper from what I remembered; I slipped her wand out of her day clothes, walking carefully downstairs.

"Alohomora," I whispered. The door slowly opened. I started running as I heard footsteps coming downstairs.

"What's going on?"

"She's escaped!" I heard them yelling, I ran farther, there long legs catching up to me.

"Incarcerous" I heard Mr. Weasley yell. The spell hit my back, and I fell to the ground, my hands and legs tied up all over again.

"No!" I screamed,

"We can't let you go, I'm sorry," Mr. Weasley said,

"Please, I just want to go home." I cried. They shook their heads.

"We can't let you, Harry won't let us."

"But, It's been weeks, days. Come on," I cried, as they pulled me up to my feet, and we walked back down to the house.

"What's all this racket! People are trying to sleep!" Muriel said,

"Of course, you did this death eater!" She hissed,

"Maybe I should do something, to you." I said, trying to jump at her as George held me back.

"Ugh! Your lucky to be staying here,"

"I'm not lucky. I'm trapped! Just let me go! The mark, it hurts! He wants me back," I said. They shook their heads.

"We can't," 

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