Chapter 62 (Year 6)

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River's POV

I sat in the Slytherin common room, waiting patiently for the room to empty before I put my plan in action. The last fifth year girl finally stood up, her eyes looking heavy with sleep, as she packed her books and parchment away. 

"Kreacher!" I whispered once she walked up the stairs. It took a second, but there was a loud cracking sound and the house elf appeared in front of me, he bowed not looking pleased to have been called on again.

"My Mistress has called me?" He said, stand up straighter. 

"I want you to not to follow Malfoy around." His eyes widened confused, but he looked pleased, as his mouth twitched up into a small smile, and his eyes filled with glee. 

"May Kreacher ask why?"

"No, Kreacher, but when Harry asks you, I want you to tell him Draco is not doing anything that seems suspicious. Do you understand?" I asked, Kreacher nodded eagerly. 

"Yes, Mistress Kreacher is most pleased to protect the Malfoy boy."

"Thank you, you may leave," I said, getting off the green couch, Kreacher nodded, bowing again before he disappeared again with a loud cracking noise. 


"Ms. Potter," I heard someone say that next morning as I walked into the great hall. I turned around seeing Professor Dumbledore.

"Oh, Hello, Professor," I said, he smiled at me politely.

"It has come to my attention that I had never told you what Sirius Black had left for you,"

"Would you come with me to my office?" He asked, I nodded, wondering why he was bringing this up now. The walk to his office was awkward, as we both chose not to start a conversation. He walked up to a gargoyle statue, muttering a password I couldn't hear before it was pushed to the side, showing large brown stairs. The wall shut behind us as we started walking up the stairs. He turned the doorknob to his office, and let me in. I glanced at the several portraits off ex-headmasters, who started at us with interest. Dumbledore gestured for me to sit down on the chair in front of his desk, before he sat down, and pulled open a drawer and took out a large piece of parchment. 

"I was going to tell you that last week of school, but you stayed at the Malfoy's. I didn't think it was very wise to tell you with them there." He said, as he unrolled the parchment. I glanced at his decayed hand, that he had gotten last year at the ministry.

"Well, it looks like he's just left half of his home to you, and a picture."

"A picture?" I asked, as he opened the drawer again and took out a brown picture frame. 

"Well, he knows that you believe Lilly Evan's in not your mother, so he thought it was time you learned the truth," He said, sliding over the picture to me on the desk, I picked up the picture, seeing my father James Potter, with a ginger haired woman, they grinned at each other, very much in love, as snow covered the ground, and was falling around them, looking very happy. I knew I had his eyes, but Harry had everything else, same messy hair, same face, same glasses even. Then I glanced at Lilly, whose hair was just like mine, whose face was just like mine, and even an annoyed look at James the same I used to give Harry. 

"Your parents didn't leave you that night, you were in the next room sleeping." I looked up at Dumbledore, putting the picture on my lap.

"Yet, she still chose to go to Harry's room and protect him?" I whispered. 

"Well, your father was going to get you. He was killed before he could."

"How would you know?"

"I know more than people think,"

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